Monument record MHG13002 - Clactholl Broch, An Dun - Assynt, Sutherland
No summary available.
Grid reference | Centred NC 0366 2784 (14m by 14m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NC02NW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | ASSYNT |
Old County | SUTHERLAND |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
(NC 0366 2784) An Dun (NAT) Broch (NR) OS 6"map, (1971)
At Clachtoll, on edge of flat ledges of rock that fringe shore, is a broch and outworks. Broch is in a fairly good state of preservation except towards sea where it has been for a short distance almost demolished. The interior is full of debris and greatest height of wall showing above it is c. 3'. On outside top of wall is 6' - 7' high but interior face is 3' - 4' above that. It was not possible to measure the thickness of wall at base but at its highest level it is 12' thick. The interior diameter of broch is 32'. The entrance, in E, is 3' wide and now about 3'6" high with two guard chambers, one on either side of entrance passage. In interior, directly opposite entrance, top of the stairway is visible. A steatite cup was found many years ago in a recess of wall of right hand guard chamber by the Rev J M Joass of Golspie, in whose possession it still is. (See NC02NW 4 for a steatite cup, found near broch - possibly same cup?)
About 100 yds from broch are the much ruined remains of a massive outer wall crossing uncultivated land to E: land to S being all cultivated, outworks in that diection have been demolished. 40' from broch is another wall built of great stones, 2' - 3' in height and some 6' thick, which leads from either side of entrance and was evidently carried round to out flank the building. On S the details are still evident. At turning it enclosed a mound of stone and earth c8' across faced with building on inner side. Distance between the stone uprights of the gateway through the wall is 6'.
RCAHMS 1911. <1>
Listed as a broch by A Graham in 1949. <2>
The broch is defended by outwork built of very large blocks and boulders, but another ruined wall lying some 100 yds away is most probably a land boundary of later date. <3>
This broch measures 16.1m in overall diameter. The internal diamter can only be measured above rubble which fills interior to above scarcement level. Here it is 9.7m, and wall varies between 3.1m and 3.4m in width, but at ground level at entrance wall is 4.2m thick, suggesting internal diameter of c8m. The entrance passage is accessible and shows 2 upright slabs for door jambs 1.7m along it. Behind them are bar holes and entrances to two guard chambers each 3.7m long. There is an opening into broch interior from rear of N guard chamber. There is what may be a later forework immediately in front of broch entrance and traces of a probably secondary building, both of which are mainly masked by debris. The entrance passage through outwork shows 2 upright blocks, probably jambs about 4m along it, there are suggestions that a passage or corridor led on from them towards broch entrance, but debris prevents a true assessment of this. The alleged outwork 100 yds distant is a combination of outcrop and cleared stones.
Published surv (1:10,000) revised. Visited by OS (GHP) 11 May 196 and (A A) 5 August 1974.
No change. Visited by OS (J B) 14 August 1980.
Clachtoll broch perches precariously on very edge of the sea; in spite of the fact that part of the walls have tumbled over the edge of the cliff, it is still an impressive structure. Its exposed position is also deceptive, as it is surrounded by good agricultural land. (49)
The original entrance is still visible, dominated by the huge triangular slab above it. While this was also an effective way of spreading the load of the walls above the doorway, it also served as a dramatic focus for people approaching the site. (43)
The site was photographed by a member of the Highland Regional Council possibly in 1985. <4>
The site was visited and photographed by R B Gourlay of the Highland Regional Council in 1987. <5> <6> <7>
NW SUT Local Plan, May 1987: P23/2.36. <8>
Armit, I., 1997. Celtic Scotland. Edinburgh: Batsford.
Close-Brooks, J., 1995. Exploring Scotland’s Heritage. The Highlands. Edinburgh: HMSO, 145-6, No. 87.
Gourlay, R., 1996. Sutherland. An Archaeological Guide, 74-5.
RCAHMS. 1911. Sutherland. Edinburgh: HMSO, 2-3, No. 7.
Information from SCRAN Project, March, 2000
The site was visited and photographed by the Highland Council in 2000. <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30>
Restoration and Excavation work was carried out in April 2001 by Joffy Hill (HS). This involved work on the entrance area which is now a little safer, the side passages remain untouched. <31> <32>
According to Andy Summers (Ranger) human remains were found between the broch & the beach c10 years ago and reported to Bob Gourlay, who removed a possible humerus for identification - no written report yet found within the SMR. <33>
A Conservation Management Plan for the monument was produced by AOC Archaeology Group in 2009. This was informed, in part, by topographic and laser scanning surveys carried out in 2008. <34>
A survey plan of this broch is reproduced in the report on the Assynt Hidden Lives Project. The full report can be downloaded from record EHG3289. <35>
A proposal for stabilisation works was produced by AOC Archaeology Group in March 2010. The first phase of works would involve the systematic removal of loose courses of stonework and stabilisation of areas likely to collapse. The works would include excavation of areas of the passageway floor revealed by the removal of loose stone collapse. On completion of the Phase 1 works the entrance area would be safe from further collapse and the intra-mural spaces in Cells 1 and 2 would be safely accessible. <36>
Regarding the humerus reported under <32>, according to John Wood, former Highland Council Senior Archaeologist a large number of boxes collected by Robert Gourlay were handed over to Inverness Museum. Others were handed to a bone specialist on Orkney. It is thought that some of the bones handed to Inverness Museum were reburied. The whereabouts of the rest of the boxes is currently unknown. <37>
The broch was subject to archaeological investigation in 2011 by AOC Archaeology as part of a conservation project in order to protect and preserve the entrance passage and surrounding areas. It was not the aim of this intervention to recover cultural artefacts, nonetheless two sherds of Hebridean broch period pottery as well as some wood, radiocarbon dated to the Iron Age, was recovered suggesting the survival of iron age deposits and potentially hinting that the mezzanine flooring may have consisted of wattle screens, if not for structural members. The conservation work undertaken should protect the fabric of the monument's entrance for many decades although further work is required to further secure the monument. <38>
Sources/Archives (36)
- --- SHG24274 Text/Publication: Highland Regional Council, Planning Department. 10/1997. North West Sutherland Local Plan. Paper (Original). P23/2.36.
- <1> SHG2657 Text/Report: RCAHMS. 1911. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Second report and inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Sutherland. . 2-3, No. 7.
- <2> SHG1531 Text/Publication/Article: Graham, A. 1949. 'Some observations on the brochs', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 81 1946-7, p.48-99. Proc Soc Antiq Scot. 48-99. 95.
- <3> SHG2053 Text/Publication/Volume: Close-Brooks, J. 1986. Exploring Scotland's Heritage: The Highlands. 150, No. 80.
- <4> SHG8482 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 1985?. Clachtoll broch - Assynt, Sutherland. Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <5> SHG4434 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R B. 1987. Broch - An Dun: Triangular lintel, view from the north. B/W Negative. . Original & digital.
- <6> SHG4435 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R B. 1987. Broch - An Dun: Detail of wall. B/W Negative. . Original & digital.
- <7> SHG4433 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R B. 1987. Broch - An Dun: view from the north. B/W Negative. . Original & digital.
- <11> SHG14729 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view over the broch and to sea. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <12> SHG13485 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll Broch - An Dun: broch and the sea. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <13> SHG14730 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: general view of broch structure. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <14> SHG14723 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: internal feature. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <15> SHG14742 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll Broch, An Dun - general view. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <16> SHG13486 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: general view. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <17> SHG14731 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: general view. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <18> SHG13484 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view to sea from the broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <19> SHG14743 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll Broch - An Dun: general view. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <20> SHG14725 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view to sea. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <21> SHG14728 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view over the broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <22> SHG14727 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: internal feature. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <23> SHG13482 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clactholl broch - An Dun: general view. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <24> SHG14726 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view to sea 2. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <25> SHG14724 Image/Photograph(s): Highand Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: internal feature. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <26> SHG13481 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll Broch - An Dun: entranceway. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <27> SHG14928 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - entrance way and lintel stone. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <28> SHG13483 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: view across the broch. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <29> SHG14732 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clachtoll broch - An Dun: detail of structure. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <30> SHG14722 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Council. 2000. Clactholl broch - An Dun: entrance passage and lintel stone. Colour Slide; Digital Image. . Original & digital.
- <31> SHG23722 Verbal Communication: Aitken, J. Comments by Jacquie Aitken, SMR Assistant.
- <32> SHG20891 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Hill, J. 04/2001. Clachtoll Broch: Restoration and Excavation. Unaffiliated. 30/04/2001. Digital (scanned as PDF).
- <33> SHG23635 Verbal Communication: White, H. Comment by Hilary White, HC Archaeologist.
- <34> SHG22084 Text/Report/Management Plan: Cavers, G. et al. 2009. Clach Toll Broch, Assynt: Conservation Management Plan. AOC Archaeology Group. . Digital.
- <35> SHG24882 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cavers, G & Hudson, G. 05/2010. Assynt's Hidden Lives: An archaeological survey of the the parish. AOC Archaeology Group and Historic Assynt. 01/08/2010. Digital. pp 16-7, Fig 3.
- <36> SHG25277 Text/Project Outline: AOC Archaeology Group. 03/2010. Clachtoll Broch: Proposal for Conservation.
- <37> SHG25453 Text/Correspondence: Sleight, G. 08/2011. Email correspondence between Gordon Sleight, Historic Assynt, and Sylvina Tilbury, HER Officer. Digital.
- <38> SHG26291 Text/Report: Barber, J., Sleight, G., Cavers, C. & Heald, A.. 2011?. Excavation and Consolidation of Clachtoll Broch. AOC Archaeology. Digital.
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