Monument record MHG13613 - Bronze Age cist burial - Craig-na-Feich, Achavanich
Grid reference | Centred ND 1783 4333 (4m by 3m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | ND14SE |
Civil Parish | LATHERON |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
The discovery of a cist during rock extraction for road improvement works at Craig-na-Feich in Achavanich was reported to Highland Regional Council in February 1987. On the 19th of February the cist was subject to a rescue excavation by the Highland Council Archaeology Unit led by Mr Robert B Gourlay. The cist consisted of a single, exceptionally tight crouched burial of a young woman. Accompanying grave goods included a short-necked Beaker, a bovine scapula, two flint flakes and a tiny thumb-nail scraper. The beaker decoration was created by a bone comb; the teeth marks are clearly visible. <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> <17> <18> <19> <20> <21> <22> <23> <24> <25> <26> <27> <28> <29> <30> <31> <32> <33> <34> <35> <36> <37> <38> <39> <40>
The human remains were examined by Mary Harman who summarised that this was the skeleton of a young woman aged between 18 and 22 years of age who was approximately 5’ 5½” (1.67m) tall. The surviving cranium was noted as exceptionally short and broad with a very high cranial index. <41>
The contents of the beaker were analysed by Dr Brian Moffat of SHARP who, from a preliminary examination, suggested that it contained: prepared cereal grain, honey, added flowers and fruit (including meadowsweet, bramble & wood sage), and the sap of birch and alder trees.
The skeleton was radiocarbon dated to 3700±50 BP (collagen from femur: BM-2590, 2200-2020 cal BC at 68.2%, 2280-1940 cal BC at 95.4% probability), as part of the British Museum Beaker dating project.
Sources/Archives (42)
- --- SHG26994 Text/Report: Moffat, Brian.
- <1> SHG2993 Text/Publication/Article: Highland Regional Council. 1987. 'The Achnavanich Cist Burial', Highland Council Archaeology Guide. Highland Council Archaeology Guide.
- <2> SHG2279 Text/Manuscript: Gourlay B. 1988. A Bronze Age Beaker from Achnavanich.
- <3> SHG4288 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior detail prior to excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <4> SHG4298 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <5> SHG4308 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <6> SHG4291 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons). Colour Negative. No. digital (scanned).
- <7> SHG4301 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after removal of capstone and front stone. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <8> SHG4311 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <9> SHG4292 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Capstone and slates - from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <10> SHG4302 Image/Photograph(s): Gorurlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <11> SHG4312 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist - general view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <12> SHG4296 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior showing flint. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <13> SHG4306 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <14> SHG4287 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. General view prior to excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <15> SHG4297 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior showing flint. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <16> SHG4307 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <17> SHG4290 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons) - closer up. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <18> SHG4300 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <19> SHG4310 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior excavated, from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <20> SHG4289 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <21> SHG4299 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <22> SHG4295 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Capstone - from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <23> SHG4305 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <24> SHG4315 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Site of burial cist: stone cut rock hole. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <25> SHG4293 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. General view - after clearance of surrounding rubble. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <26> SHG4303 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <27> SHG4313 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist - general view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <28> SHG4294 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Top slates - removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <29> SHG4304 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <30> SHG4314 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Site of burial cist - stone cut rock hole. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <31> SHG4309 Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - general view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <32> SHG26981 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <33> SHG26982 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <34> SHG26983 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <35> SHG26984 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <36> SHG26985 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <37> SHG26986 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <38> SHG26987 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <39> SHG26988 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <40> SHG26989 Image/Photograph(s): Highland Regional Council. 1987. Achavanich beaker prior to reconstruction. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
- <41> SHG26993 Text/Report: Harman, Mary. 1987. Achavanich, Caithness: Human Remains. Harman, Mary. No. Digital (scanned as PDF).
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Record last edited
Aug 4 2017 2:11PM
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