Monument record MHG44025 - Human remains, Bronze Age Beaker Burial - Craig-na-Feich, Achavanich


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Grid reference Centred ND 1783 4333 (3m by 2m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet ND14SE
Civil Parish LATHERON
Geographical Area CAITHNESS


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Full Description

Thumbnail Photo - shows cist during 1987 excavation.

Cist reported 2.1987 to Bob Gourlay HC archaeologist and subsequently part excavated, photos etc within SMR records.
Gourlay int rep: during the extraction of rock for road improvements skull identified… remains of cist of early BA type containing human & other remains.
The beaker: desc see sketch " decoration applied with various instruments - this one using the teeth of a bone comb with teeth marks clearly visible. The contents of the beaker were analysed, preliminary results suggest that it contained prepared cereal a coarse mixture of barley & oats (a thin porridge or gruel?), honey, added flowers & fruit, including meadowsweet, bramble & wood sage, the sap of birch & alder trees.
Also found were three small pieces of flint, 2 are simple flakes the third is a tiny thumb nail scraper.
Bones identified as young woman 18-20 yrs. C 5'5" in height. Her skull was exceptionally broad & short. An exceptionally tight crouched burial - HAW 3/2004

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - after excavation (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4308.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4306.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4307.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - after removal of capstone and front stone (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4301.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4304.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4305.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Capstone - from above (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4295.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Capstone and slates - from above (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4292.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Cist - interior excavated, from above (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4310.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Cist - interior showing flint (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4296.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Cist - interior showing flint (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4297.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Detail of interior after capstone has been removed (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4298.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Detail of interior after capstone has been removed (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4299.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Detail of interior after capstone has been removed (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4300.

Gorurlay, R, 1987, Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4302.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4303.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Excavated cist - general view (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4312.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Excavated cist - general view (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4313.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Excavated cist from above (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4311.

Gourlay, R, 1987, General view - after clearance of surrounding rubble (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4293.

Gourlay, R, 1987, General view prior to excavation (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4287.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4289.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons) (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4291.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons) - closer up (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4290.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Interior detail prior to excavation (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4288.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Site of burial cist - stone cut rock hole (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4314.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Site of burial cist: stone cut rock hole (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4315.

Highland Regional Council, 1987, 'The Achnavanich Cist Burial', Highland Council Archaeology Guide (Text/Publication/Article). SHG2993.

Gourlay, R, 1987, Top slates - removed (Image/Photograph(s)). SHG4294.

Gourlay B, 1988, A Bronze Age Beaker from Achnavanich (Text/Manuscript). SHG2279.

Sources/Archives (30)

  • --- Text/Manuscript: Gourlay B. 1988. A Bronze Age Beaker from Achnavanich.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Highland Regional Council. 1987. 'The Achnavanich Cist Burial', Highland Council Archaeology Guide. Highland Council Archaeology Guide.
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. General view prior to excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior detail prior to excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons) - closer up. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Interior - after removal of skull (for safety reasons). Colour Negative. No. digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Capstone and slates - from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. General view - after clearance of surrounding rubble. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Top slates - removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Capstone - from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior showing flint. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior showing flint. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after removal of capstone and front stone. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gorurlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Detail of interior after capstone has been removed - close up view. B/W Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - interior (showing position of bones). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation (capstone, frontstone and inhumation removed). Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Burial cist - after excavation. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Cist - interior excavated, from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist from above. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist - general view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Excavated cist - general view. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Site of burial cist - stone cut rock hole. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).
  • --- Image/Photograph(s): Gourlay, R. 1987. Site of burial cist: stone cut rock hole. Colour Negative. No. Digital (scanned).

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Nov 27 2015 4:18PM

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