Monument record MHG18664 - Phopachy


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Grid reference Centred NH 6029 4660 (40m by 40m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH64NW
Civil Parish KIRKHILL
Geographical Area INVERNESS


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Full Description

NH64NW 40 6025 4670

(NH 602 467). 250m from the southern shore, Phopachy is situated on an intertidal sand bank. The oval-shaped site measures 28m long by 25m wide and the highest part of the site is 1.72m above the surrounding sand bank. The site is covered with boulders colonised by seaweed, beneath which are cobbles, pebbles and interstitial estuarine sediments. Sampling to a depth of 40cm revealed brushwood, well-preserved substantial timbers, leaves, shells and other organic remains.
Three horizontal alder timbers were found lying parallel to one another and their upper surfaces showed signs of wear and structural compression. Pressure exerted from above may have caused the structural changes in the three timbers. Two were radiocarbon dated and have given uncalibrated dates of: 1940 ? 60 bp (Beta 48765) and 2030 ? 60 bp (Beta 48766).
Sponsors: Historic Scotland; The Russell Trust; University of Edinburgh.
Hale 1994b.

The following radiocarbon dates have been obtained from samples of wood and timber from this crannog:
Unspecified sample. 10 +/- 60 ad Beta-48765
Unspecified sample. 80 +/- 60 bc Beta-48766
P'94.1 (Alnus). 110 +/- 50 bc GU-4098
P'94.2 (Alnus). 40 +/- 50 bc GU-4099
Information from Mr A Hale (Edinburgh University), 6 April 1995.

NH 602 467 Further to the work carried out in July 1994 (Hale 1994), a small trench was excavated on the southern flank of the site. Beneath the surface cover of stones and interstitial sediment was a fine grained sand amongst which substantial timbers were found. The timbers were aligned E-W and were very similar to those previously found on site. Samples were taken for radiocarbon assay. The results were:
(GU-4098) 2060 +/- 50 bp and (GU-4099) 1990 +/- 50 bp.
Sponsors: Historic Scotland, Council for British Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, Department of Archaeology and Highland Regional Council.
A G C Hale 1995.

Location revised to NH 6025 4670.
Information from Dr R Hingley (historic Scotland), 3 April 1998.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Hale, A G C. 1995. 'Phopachy (Kirkhill parish), intertidal crannog', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1995, p.40. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 40. 40.
  • --- Text/Publication/Article: Hale, A G C. 1994. 'Phopachy (Kirkhill parish): intertidal crannog', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1994, p.35-6. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 35-6. 35-6.

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2008 12:00AM

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