Thesaurus Term/Concept: CRANNOG

Identifier 68944
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An island, partly or wholly artificial, built up by dumping timber, earth and stones onto a lake or river bed. Often revetted with timber piles or palisade.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (3)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (103)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG52590 An t-Eilean Beag (Monument)
Monument Type MHG9276 Balmacara House (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6987 Bemuchyle (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6991 Bemuchyle (Monument)
Monument Type MHG1588 Broch/Crannog, Greysteil Castle (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3811 Carn Dubh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7425 Coire an Lochain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4296 Crannog - Eilean Tigh Na Slige (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12633 Crannog ? Loch an Tigh-Choimhid (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10377 Crannog ?Loch Nan Ealachan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7351 Crannog, Loch Caol na h-Innse-Geamhraidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6285 Crannog, & Hunting Lodge, Loch Kinellan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7951 Crannog, Aird Mhor (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2774 Crannog, Cherry Island (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30030 Crannog, Clynelish Moss (Monument)
Monument Type MHG18106 Crannog, Coulmore (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13039 Crannog, Eilean an Tighe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8939 Crannog, Eilean Na Faoileig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10820 Crannog, Eilean nam Faoileag (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7822 Crannog, Loch Achall (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7791 Crannog, Loch Achilty (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8161 Crannog, Loch Achnacloich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2696 Crannog, Loch Aslaich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13053 Crannog, Loch Awe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13095 Crannog, Loch Awe B (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10687 Crannog, Loch Beannach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7908 Crannog, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7174 Crannog, Loch Belivat (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13045 Crannog, Loch Borralan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2691 Crannog, Loch Bruicheach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10338 Crannog, Loch Buidhe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG931 Crannog, Loch Calder (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12418 Crannog, Loch Craggie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7947 Crannog, Loch Dughaill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2829 Crannog, Loch Flemington (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2724 Crannog, Loch Garth (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11926 Crannog, Loch Hope (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2752 Crannog, Loch Knockie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10334 Crannog, Loch Laro (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7658 Crannog, Loch Lundie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2674 Crannog, Loch Meiklie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7768 Crannog, Loch Mhic'Ille Riabhaich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12218 Crannog, Loch Na Claise (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13911 Crannog, Loch na Sguabaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12375 Crannog, Loch Naver (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2207 Crannog, Loch of Yarrows (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25053 Crannog, Loch Pityoulish (Monument)
Monument Type MHG1432 Crannog, Loch Scarmclate (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11896 Crannog, Loch Shin (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29227 Crannog, Loch Staing (Monument)
Monument Type MHG154 Crannog, Loch Tearnait (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7729 Crannog, Loch Tollaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2314 Crannog, Loch Watten (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14280 Crannog, Udale Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10059 Crannog, W end Loch Migdale (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13296 Crannog? A' Bhuachaille (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14234 Crannog? Coill A' Bhad-Darach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7790 Crannog? Eilean Mhielldh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13128 Crannog? Loch Borralan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8889 Crannog? Loch Morie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13328 Crannog? Loch Rosail (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12934 Crannog? Lochside (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12778 Crannog? S end Loch Cracail Beag (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11968 Crannogs, Little Loch Shin (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13177 Cropmark, Loth Station (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3529 Eilean Aoileag (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4317 Eilean Darach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5522 Eilean Drynachan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4258 Eilean Loch Arkaig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4301 Eilean Macmulchan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5524 Eilean Mhic Raonuill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5517 Eilean Na H-Ealaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2868 Eilean nan Clach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5529 Eilean Nan Mhuilchean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5530 Eilean Nan Mhuilchean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29831 Greenfield Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MHG9215 Loch Achaidh Na H-Inich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7444 Loch an Tachdaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14158 Loch Ashie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33990 Loch Bran (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33800 Loch Cill Chriosd (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4658 Loch Crunachdan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33086 Loch Dughaill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3444 Loch Farraline (Monument)
Monument Type MHG21058 Loch Gamhna (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4409 Loch Gynack (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4034 Loch Nan Eala 1 (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4036 Loch Nan Eala 2 (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14156 Loch Ruthven (Monument)
Monument Type MHG26101 Loch Ruthven (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3467 Loch Ruthven (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30921 Loch Uisge (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4691 Loch Vaa (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3041 Lochan Dinty (Monument)
Monument Type MHG31759 Lochan Dubh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG18664 Phopachy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG9112 Possible Crannog, Beauly Firth (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39269 Possible Crannog, Eilean A' Chairn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12241 Possible Crannog, Loch Assynt (Monument)
Monument Type MHG67 Site of Possible Crannog, Lochan Na Crannaig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3459 Tom Buidhe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4673 Torcroy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4193 Torlundy (Monument)