Monument record MHG24266 - Township - Scard/Achness/Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain


Township - Scard/Achness/Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain


Grid reference Centred NH 2168 5141 (592m by 269m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NH25SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


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Full Description

NH25SW 6 centred on 218 514

A township comprising six unroofed buildings and two enclosures is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Ross-shire 1881, sheet xcvi). Six unroofed buildings and two enclosures are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1971).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 5 March 1996

This township was recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project.(528 to 569) - NH 20381 50825 (Nmrs No NH25SW0006). Situated on the south bank of the River Meig, 400m from the west end of Loch Beannacharain, at a point where the glen bends to the south and where there is a waterfall in the main river. This township is on NNW facing slope and comprises 13 buildings, 5 enclosures, several stone walls and earth banks, a possible kiln, cultivation remains and at least 20 storage pits or possible potato clamps. There seem to be 2 phases to the township - the more substantial buildings are of stone and in a sheltered position on the east part of the site. To the west, the more exposed part of the site, there are what appears to be earlier buildings, some of which have been clearly robbed of their stone. Also in the west part of the settlement there is a farmstead within an enclosure. The settlement is on the Roy map of c.1750 as “Scard”. It is on the 1825 estate plan as Achiness and marked on the 1st Edition OS survey with 7 unroofed buildings and 1 enclosure.

The east part of the township:
550 Building - NH 21727 51474 The stone footings of a building on a N-S axis, internal dimensions 8.3 x 3.9m are on a platform at its north end. The footings comprise a single course of large stones maximum 1m in diameter, and indicate that the rest of the stones have probably been robbed. The south wall has a double course of stones and is 1m in width. There is a possible entrance in the east wall, 1m in width, and externally a possible terrace, 1m in width, edged by a setting of large stones 3.35m in length.

551 Possible Building - NH 21746 51467 A rectangular structure on a N-S axis, internal dimensions 3m x 2.5m. Recessed into the slope at the south end where there is an in-situ boulder and the back wall is 1m in height. North part is platformed out.

552 Buildings (Figure 6) - NH 21769 51461 Two buildings adjacent and in alignment with each other, just 0.7m apart
A - The west most building has the more substantial remains. It is rectangular and on an E-W axis with internal dimensions 8.7m x 3.25m. The dry stone wall footings are 0.7m thick and generally 0.6m in height although the east gable end is 1m thick and 1m in height. The corners are squared and there is possibly a blocked entrance in the north wall. The ditch to the rear/south is continuous along the building to the east (552B) too and there are vestiges of a terrace with a stone edge along both buildings.
B - The east most building, also on an E-W axis has internal dimensions of 9m x 2.7m. The wall footings comprise a single course of stones. The west end of the building has a dished area and there appears to be an entrance in the north wall here. There is an outshot to the east, internal dimensions 3m x 3.5m. It is recessed into the hill at the SE corner and defined at the north side by a stone edge.

553 - Building/Possible Sheiling - NH 21797 51408 This rectangular building on an E-W axis is composed of 2 parts. The main part appears to be at the east end, it is on a N-S axis and 3.8m x 2.4m internally. The west part is at right angles and divided off by an incomplete turf bank, it is 2m x 1.5m. The whole building has an overall internal length of 5.4m. It is recessed into the slope at the north side, where the bank is 0.5m in height, and platformed at the south side. The distinct turf walls have no stone evident and the corners of the building are very much rounded. There are rabbit burrows internally. This building may originally have been a sheiling which has been re-used at a later date.

554 Pit - NH 21791 51412 - 1.5m in diameter and 0.3m deep

555 Building/Possible Pen - NH 21793 51416 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, with internal dimension 3.2m x 1.5m. The building is recessed into the slope at the west end, platformed at the east end and appears as a stony platform. The stone wall footings, comprising a single course of stones, are very low but distinct. At the west end the height of the wall is 0.5m. There is an entrance at the east end of the south wall and an internal area of 1m here may be divided off from the main part.

556 Pit - NH 21810 51421 On an east facing slope. 1.5m in diameter and 0.5m deep.

557 Building - NH 21830 51415 A rectangular building, on an E - W axis, with 3 separate parts to it and which appears to have had several different phases. The main compartment in the centre measures 8.4m x 3.4m. The dry stone footings of the walls are 0.7m thick and generally 0.6m in height although those at the east end are 1.2m. There is an entrance in the south wall, 1m in width. The west end of this compartment seems to have been much modified and the main compartment may well have been much bigger at one time c12m x 3.4m, with a dividing wall evidenced by a large stone, see plan. Alternatively this end may have been part of an extension at right angles to the main compartment. There is an outshot to the south with internal dimensions of 3.6m x 3m. The wall footings at the south end of this section are 1m in height but those nearer the main building have been robbed to ground level, presumably to build a more substantial but crude pen out of the west end of the main building. The compartment to the east is at a lower level and has internal dimensions of 6.8m x 3.2m. The wall footings comprise a single course of large boulders, roughly 0.8m thick and 0.7m in height. The wall at the west end is contiguous with the east end of the main compartment and is 1.6m high. There is an entrance in the south wall 0.7m wide.

558 Trackway - centred on NH 21830 51432 A c30m length of track immediately to the north of building 557 runs in an E -W direction and is 2m in width. It has a stone edge for part of its length on its north/downhill side and there is tumble material from building 557 at its south edge. It crosses a small burn at the west end and may well continue south over marshy ground and turn to the west after a few metres - there is a stone edge to the SE of building 553 which may define the line.

559 Building/Possible Pen - NH 21812 51435 The substantial dry stone footings of a rectangular building on an E-W axis, internal dimensions 5.2 x 3m. It is recessed into the slope at the west end and part of the south side, where there is a back ditch, the wall is 1.2m in height here. The walls are 0.8m thick and generally 0.6m height. There is a possible entrance in the east wall but it is only 0.35m wide. The structure may be a pen and is probably associated with the sheepfold/fank, 560, a few metres to the northeast. It has a profusion of reeds growing inside it.

560 Enclosure/Sheepfank - NH 21824 51448 An irregular/sub-rectangular enclosure on a N-S axis with internal dimension 15m x 8m. It is situated on a platformed spur on the edge of a steep north facing slope. The walls are crudely constructed of dry stone and have a spread to 1.5m maximum, with a height generally of 0.4m, although at the east side there is a section of 1m height, and at the north end the wall grades away to almost nil, most of the stones having tumbled down the slope. The structure is divided into two parts with an oblique dividing wall giving an opening of 1.7m between the two. The north part is bag shaped and has internal dimensions of 9.5m x 8m, there may be a sheep creep in the east wall. The south part is smaller, 4.5m x 4m and there may be an entrance, 1m in width, in the east wall.

561 Earthbank and cultivation remains - centred on NH 21800 51490 An earthbank on a WSW-NNE axis runs for nearly 300m from the foot of the prominent knoll to the east of the waterfall to Loch Beannacharain through marshy ground. The oblique aerial photographs show extensive cultivation remains over this area and it may be that the level of the loch has been raised slightly causing the ground to have become more waterlogged. The pond in this vicinity is manmade and may be have been constructed to attract ducks for thesport of shooting.

562 Earth banks - centred on NH 2190 5145 The remains of two curving turf and stone banks at the south edge of flat marshy area on which there is evidence of cultivation remains. They are aligned roughly E-W and are c.50m (west most) and 100m (east most) in length.

563 Worked area - NH 21848 51418 An area, c.15m x 5m, stripped of its turf.

564 Possible Structure - NH 2195 5144 A circular stone filled feature c.2m in diameter.

565 Pit - NH 2197 5145 A pit c.1m in diameter and 0.5m deep.

The west part of the township:
528 Building - NH 21399 51287 The scattered large stone footings of a sub-rectangular building on a N-S axis with internal dimensions 4m x 2.5m. Other stones may have been robbed.

529 Enclosure - NH 21453 51307 The wall footings of a rectangular enclosure lie close to the river, on an E- W axis and with internal dimensions 8m x 4.5m. The footings are of stone and turf and to a height of 0.5m. There is a possible partition in east end and possible entrance at the NE corner. A recessed platform, 4m x 2.5m, a few metres to the NE may be associated.

530 Building - NH 21462 51303 The stone and turf wall footings of a rectangular building with rounded ends lie on a N-S axis and measure 6m x 2m internally. No obvious entrance.

531 Enclosure - NH 21576 51361 The wasted turf wall footings define a rectangular enclosure to the NE of a small stream. The enclosure is on a NE-SW axis, measures 24m x 20m and the south part is on a steep NW facing slope. There is a possible entrance, 4.5m in width, in the west end of the NW wall. Building 532 is situated in this part of the enclosure.

532 Building - NH 21462 51303 (NE corner) This is possibly a later farmstead within enclosure 531. The stone footings of the rectangular building are on an E-W axis. The internal dimensions are 8m x 2.5m and the footings are more evident at the west end where they are 0.7m high and 1.5m thick. The structure is recessed in its SW corner and built out at its NE corner. There is a possible entrance in the N wall and a partition separating the westmost 3m. There may be an outshot to the NW which is contiguous with the enclosure wall but this is not certain.

535 Earthbank/Possible headwall - NH 21698 51404(E end) to NH 21602 51325(middle) and then NH 21501 51274(W end) Almost continuous for 250m, this earthbank is aligned from ENE – WSW. It is more complete in its east half where it forms the boundary of a fertile area with evidence of rig and furrow, site 536. The bank is up to 0.75m high and has a spread of 1.5-2m in the east part but very wasted in its west half.

536 Cultivation remains - To the NW of earthbank 535 and enclosed by it, there is a strip of fertile land on a river terrace which has rig and furrow cultivation strips. On the slope to the NW of the terrace at NH 21631 51385, there are several short lynchets, one of 0.5m height is 11m in length.

533 Storage Pits/Possible Potato clamps (Figure 8) - Between NH 21592 51337(W end) and NH 21628 51359(E end) and aligned along the edge of the river terrace there are 16 pits of varying sizes. They are generally circular, although the largest is oval, 3m x 2m top (2.2m x 1.2m at the bottom), the smallest is circular, 0.8m diameter, the deepest is 0.65m and the shallowest is 0.25m. Some are very degraded and some are slightly out of alignment.

534 Storage Pits/Possible Potato clamps - NH 21652 51402 Three circular pits - 2 are 2m diameter and 0.5m deep and one is 1m in diameter and 0.2m deep.

537 Building - NH 21629 51423 The feint remains of a rectangular building on an NE-SW axis measure 4m x 2m. The wall footings are of stone and are more discernable at the east end.

538 Possible Building or Pen - NH 21623 51420 Aligned with 537, on a NE-SW axis, and a few metres to the west of it, this rectangular structure, 6.5m x 3.5m, appears as a grassy platform defined on its west side by a low turf bank.

539 Building - NH 21662 51425 A rectangular building on an E-W axis measuring 4m x 2.5m internally. The wall footings are of dry stone construction to 0.3m height and 1m thick. It has squared corners and there is an entrance in the NE corner and a ditch along the rear/south. An outshot to the west is 3m (N-S) x 2m(E-W), it has low turf walls with a spread of 1.5m. This outshot overlaps the main building on its north side and there is an entrance at an angle here. A further possible outshot can just be seen in the form of a grassy platform 6m x 2m to the west.

540 Enclosure/Possible Pen - NH 21669 51425 Close and to the east of 539 this rectangular enclosure is on an E-W axis, 6m x 4m. It is recessed into the slope and there is an entrance in the NW corner.

541 Building - NH 21686 51430 A small building on an E-W axis measuring overall 4.5m x 2.5m is raised above surrounding marshy ground by 0.4m. There is a rectangular depression 2m x 1.5m at the west end and a grassy platform 1m x 2.5m at the east end. It is covered in lush grass and may be a latrine.

542 Enclosure - NH 21673 51451 This enclosure, on a NW-SE axis covers the east shoulder of a knoll and can be divided into 2 parts. The south part is sub-rectangular, 17m (N-S) x 14m (E-W) and slopes steeply facing SSE. It is bounded on the west side by a turf and stone wall, height 0.3m x spread 1m x length c.15m. The north part is on the N side of the knoll and abuts the stone wall 543.

544 Building (Figure 5) - NH 21651 51486 A rectangular building on a N-S axis, with internal dimensions 9m x 3m, is on the summit of a knoll. This building is defined by large stones and has clearly been robbed for its stone. The boulders at the S end are as much as 1m square.

545 Building - NH 21631 51497 A rectangular structure with a NNE-SSW axis and internal diameter 8.3 x 3m, on a platform immediately above and to the east of the waterfall. It is defined by an indistinct low turf wall of height 0.20m and spread 1.5m. The centre of the structure appears dished. It may be the platform for a wooden structure.

546 Building (Figure 5) - NH 21643 51510 A rectangular building on a NE-SW axis with internal dimensions 6m x 2m. Two large boulders (one 2.5m high) form the NE end and the substantial NW and SE walls are of stone and turf and are 0.5-0.6m high and 2m spread. The structure is open to the SW and there is a very steep drop of c20m to the waterfall.

547 Building - NH 21700 51497 A rectangular building on a NE-SW axis and measuring 7m x 3m is on a substantial recessed platform excavated into the SE side of a knoll. The building appears as a stoney platform which slopes towards the east, the surrounding banks to the west and north are 1.5m high. The wall, 543, is a few metres to the south and a small path passes in front of the building heading for the large area of pastureland to the NE.

543 Stone wall - NH 21624 51473 (SW corner) - NH 21717 51490 (NE corner) A wall which surrounds the knoll to the east of the waterfall is roughly rectangular in shape and almost continuous although pretty well wasted or robbed in places. It is most complete on the east side where it is 1m in height and where there is a small sheep creep or “lunky” 0.35m square - NH 21721 51490. A spur of the wall heads off eastward from the SE corner but disappears into the bog after 30m. It possibly continues as the turf bank, 561, although this is slightly off-set. A further spur heads south from the SW corner as a broad turf and stone bank adjacent to the river.

549 Building/Possible Kiln - NH 21718 51439 Low stone footings define this rectangular building which is aligned N-S and has internal measurements of 6m x 3m. It is situated in an exposed position on a spur. The footings are particularly evident on the W side where they are 0.10m high and 0.5m thick and where there is a possible entrance 1m in width. At the N end there is an oval depression, 1.5m(E-W) x 0.6m(N-S) x 0.3m deep, the walls here have a spread of 1-1.5m.

548 Possible Building or Pen - NH 21702 51437 Two sides of this structure are very evident. It is aligned E- W and measures 7m x 2.5m internally. It is recessed at the south side where there is a bank 0.5m high. On the north the bank is just 0.2m high and has a spread of 1m. Open to the east.

570 Wall - NH 21181 51259 A 7m length of dry stone wall beside the river, 0.5m in height, which defines the west end of a fertile linear haugh along the south side of the river. <1>

NGR adjusted based on 2009 APs <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2009. Report of Phase Two Scardroy and Upper Strathconon: May 2007 - December 2007. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. p.34,35,36,37,38 Sites 528-569.
  • <2>XY Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 2009. Getmapping aerial photography 2009. [Mapped features: #15748 Sites 528 - 569 Township, ; #105641 Sites 528 - 569 Township, ]

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Nov 2 2017 11:44AM

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