Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24713 - Report of Phase Two Scardroy and Upper Strathconon: May 2007 - December 2007
Title | Report of Phase Two Scardroy and Upper Strathconon: May 2007 - December 2007 |
Author/Originator | Marshall, M |
Date/Year | 2009 |
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (140)
- MHG54374 Aerial ropeway, Corriefeol (Monument)
- MHG54392 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57380 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57382 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57383 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57384 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57385 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57386 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57387 Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57326 Boat House, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG23005 Building - Doirevaire /Gleann Fhoidhaig (Monument)
- MHG57379 Building and enclosure Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG54386 Building footings, north east of Glenuaig Lodge (Monument)
- MHG54384 Building stances, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG57378 Building stances, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG54371 Building, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG57323 Building, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG57406 Building, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57336 Dam and ornamental pond, Scardroy Lodge (Monument)
- MHG57339 Earthbank/headwall, Scardroy, Ballinan, River Meig (Monument)
- MHG57341 Earthbank/Possible headwall - Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG57330 Enclosure wall, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG57331 Enclosure wall, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG54388 Enclosure, Allt an Fhuar Chuill Mhor (Monument)
- MHG54385 Enclosure, Allt na Criche (Monument)
- MHG57408 Enclosure/pen, Allt an Fhuar Chuill Mhor (Monument)
- MHG57404 Enclosure/pen, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG54399 Enclosures, Achadh An Eas (Monument)
- MHG57416 Enclosures, Achadh An Eas (Monument)
- MHG57417 Enclosures, Achadh An Eas (Monument)
- MHG57322 Enclosures, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG23006 Farmstead and enclosures, Coire-Beithe (Monument)
- MHG57397 Farmstead and enclosures, Doirevaire (Monument)
- MHG18707 Farmstead? And sheepfold, Doirevaire (Monument)
- MHG54397 Footbridge abutments, River Meig, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57400 Head dyke, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG54373 Hut circle and associated features, Allt A'choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG54365 Memorial cairn, River Meig (Monument)
- MHG54364 Memorial, Scardroy Lodge (Monument)
- MHG57342 Possible Dun, platform/Possible Enclosure and earthbank Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG54376 Possible illicit still, Allt A'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG23004 Possible Shieling Hut/Building and pen, Gleann Fhoidhaig (Monument)
- MHG57457 Probable still bothy Allt na Feithe Riabhaich (Monument)
- MHG54393 Probable still bothy, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG54398 Remains of wire footbridge, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG24229 Scardroy, Ballinan, River Meig (Monument)
- MHG22603 Scardroy, Farmhouse (Monument)
- MHG24227 Scardroy/Keanloch Beanchran (Monument)
- MHG54368 Sheep creep, Scardroy Burn (Monument)
- MHG54394 Sheepfold , Allt Na Criche (Monument)
- MHG54378 Sheepfold, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG54377 Sheepfold, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG54403 Sheepfold, Allt Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG32182 Sheepfold, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG54363 Sheepfold, Scardroy Lodge (Monument)
- MHG54401 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57446 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57447 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57448 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57449 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57450 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57451 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57452 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57453 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57454 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57455 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG57456 Shieling group and later features, Coille Innes Na Sine (Monument)
- MHG54372 Shieling group, Allt A'choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG54362 Shieling group, Allt A'choire Duibh (Monument)
- MHG54379 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG54383 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57360 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57361 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57362 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57363 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57365 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57368 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG57369 Shieling group, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (east) (Monument)
- MHG54375 Shieling group, building and enclosure, Allt A a'Choire Duibh (Monument)
- MHG54402 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG54404 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57441 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57442 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57443 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57444 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57445 Shieling group, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG54370 Shieling hut, Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG57340 Shieling hut, Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG54387 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57409 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57410 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57411 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57412 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57413 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57414 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG57415 Shieling huts and a rock shelter, Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG54381 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57371 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57372 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57373 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG54374 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57375 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57376 Shieling huts, Allt Coir a'Bhuic (Monument)
- MHG57405 Shieling huts, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57407 Shieling platform, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57381 Shieling, Allt Creagan Nam Gobhar (Monument)
- MHG54395 Shieling, Allt Na Criche (Monument)
- MHG57394 Shieling, Allt Na Criche (Monument)
- MHG57395 Shieling, Allt Na Criche (Monument)
- MHG57396 Shieling, Allt Na Criche (Monument)
- MHG54369 Shieling, Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG57399 Shieling, Doirevaire (Monument)
- MHG57338 Shieling, Scardroy, Ballinan, River Meig (Monument)
- 57305 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57388 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57389 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57390 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57391 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57392 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57393 Shielings, Creag na h-Iolaire (Monument)
- MHG57401 Shielings, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57402 Shielings, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG57403 Shielings, Gleann Fhiodhaig (Monument)
- MHG54367 Site of lower township, Scardroy (Monument)
- MHG54400 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57432 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57433 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57434 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57435 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57436 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57437 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57438 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57439 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG57440 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
- MHG18705 Still bothy, Gleannan Allt an Amise (Monument)
- MHG57337 Target (metal), Scardroy Lodge (Monument)
- MHG24266 Township - Scard/Achness/Achadh an Eas, Loch Beannacharain (Monument)
- MHG50747 Township, Corriefeol (Monument)
- MHG50748 Township, Corrievuic (Monument)
- MHG57332 Track, Allt A a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG3203 Scotland's Rural Past Strathconon Project: Phase 2 (Ref: SC2)
Record last edited
Nov 9 2017 10:08AM