Monument record MHG54362 - Shieling group, Allt A'choire Duibh


A shieling group distributed around a prominent grassy knoll to the E of the car park at the end of the public road on the north side of Loch Beannacharain. A large enclosure extends around the knoll and there are numerous other smaller knolls, many of which have the footings of small buildings or shieling huts on them, a total of 8 being recorded.


Grid reference Centred NH 2278 5195 (196m by 131m)
Map sheet NH25SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

A shieling group distributed around a prominent grassy knoll to the E of the car park at the end of the public road on the north side of Loch Beannacharain. A large enclosure extends around the knoll and there are numerous other smaller knolls, many of which have the footings of small buildings or shieling huts on them, a total of 8 being recorded.
The large enclosure (Nosas Site Survey No.609) centred on NH 22846 51934 is trapezoidal in plan and covers approximately 80 sq m. It is built of turf and stone and stands to a maximum height of 0.7m and a spread of up to 1.5m. The wall is especially well preserved on the north side whereas on the south side it is less distinct particularly where it traverses an area of marshy ground. Within the enclosure there are several smaller knolls of which two have the remains of sheiling huts located on them (Nosas Site Survey Nos.610A and 610B).
The eroded turf banks of a small rectangular shieling hut, (Nosas Site Survey No.610A) at NH 22879 51933. It measures 3m x 1.5m internally on an E-W axis with a probable entrance, 0.8m in width, on the south side. The earthen banks stand to 0.3m high and have a spread of 1m. There is an abutting cell at the SW corner 1m in diameter and open to the south defined by a stone kerb.
There are the vestiges of another shieling hut (Nosas Site Survey No.610B) at NH 22807 5194. Appearing more as a platform,the low footings of a rectangular turf building can be made out. It measures 3m x 2m internally on an E-W axis with a small appended cell at the SW corner.
The remains of a small shieling hut defined by indistinct heather grown turf banks (Nosas Site Survey No.610C) at NH 22783 51937. Located on a slight knoll adjacent to the W corner of the large enclosure. It measures 2.5m x 1.5m internally on an E-W axis.
A shieling hut (Nosas Site Survey No.610D) situated on a bracken covered knoll at NH 22775 51955. Comprises low turf wall footings with a dished interior measuring 3m x 1.5m on an E-W axis.
A low, oval shaped shieling mound (Nosas Site Survey No.610E) at NH 22727 51969 close by a small burn. Low turf walls defined a slightly dished interior measuring 3m x 1.5m on an E-W axis. Obscured by grass and bracken at the time of the survey.
A shieling hut (Nosas Site Survey No.610F)at NH 22693 52015,it is set slightly further away,on steeper ground west of the other hut stances in the group on a bracken covered knoll. Low turf and stone wall footings define a long, narrow structure, measuring 5m x 1.5m internally with a N-S axis. There is a small abutting cell at the SW corner.
The grass and bracken covered remains of a sub-rectangular building (Nosas Site Survey No.611A) probably a shieling hut, at NH 22785 51903. Low, indistinct turf footings define an internal area some 5m x 2.5m on a SSW-NNE axis with a possible entrance mid-way in the E wall.
The much denuded remains of the footings of a rectangular building (Nosas Site Survey No.611B) with squared corners at NH 22710 51914. It measures 4.5m x 2.2m internally on an E-W axis. There is a short length of turf bank a few metres to the east that may be associated. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1>XY Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2009. Report of Phase Two Scardroy and Upper Strathconon: May 2007 - December 2007. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. [Mapped features: #44860 Site 610A, ; #105276 Site 610A, ; #105277 Site 610B, ; #105278 Site 610A, ; #105279 Site 610B, ; #105280 Site 610C, ; #105281 Site 610C, ; #105282 Site 610D, ; #105283 Site 610D, ; #105284 Site 610E, ; #105285 Site 610E, ; #105286 Site 610F, ; #105287 Site 610F, ; #105288 Site 611A, ; #105289 Site 611A, ; #105290 Site 611B, ; #105291 Site 611B, ; #105292 Site 609 (enclosure), ]

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Aug 10 2017 2:01PM

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