Monument record MHG50747 - Township, Corriefeol


Township, Corriefeol


Grid reference Centred NH 2030 5084 (303m by 255m)
Map sheet NH25SW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NMRS Report: (23/05/2007 14:07:24)
NH25SW 15 2035 5085

This township and sheepfold, which are situated to the S of the River Meig, have been recorded on oblique aerial photography (RCAHMSAP 2007).
Information from RCAHMS (VLW) 22 May 2007

This township was recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project (507 to 514, 516 and 521) – and centred on NH 2038 5078, Farmstead/Keepers House and enclosures (500 to 506, 515, 517 to 520, 522 to 526 and 661) - centred on NH 2034 5085 also Enclosures and sheepfolds (497 to 499) – centred on NH 2020 5078 (Nmrs No NH25SW 0015). On a NW facing slope at the head of particularly fertile “delta”, the fluvial outwash of the Allt Coire na Feola. The farmstead/keepers house almost certainly occupies the site of an earlier township and it is difficult to identify which structures pertain to which period, some structures may have continued in use from one period to the next. Most of the structures occupy the north part of the site. See general plan of Corrievuic and Corriefeol. The enclosures/sheepfolds occupy an area of improved ground on the south side of the burn. The settlement is not on the Roy map of c.1750, but is marked on the 1825 plan and the FES however it is not a FESP site since it had 3 roofed buildings at that time. See composite plan of Corrievuic (on north side of river) and Corriefeol in the Corrievuic record of this report.

Township (507 to 516 and 521) – centred on NH 2038 5078. The remains of the township occupy the upper/SE part of the site. There has been considerable activity and land improvement at this site and much of the evidence of the pre-improvement period will have been swept away.

507 Building - NH 20381 50825 The stone footings of a rectangular building on a NE-SW axis, internal measurements 11.5m x 2.2m, are 0.3m in height and with a spread of 1m. It is slightly recessed into the hill slope and has a back ditch which empties to NE of gable end. 3 possible entrances all c. 1m wide - in the NE corner, 2.5m and 5.5m in from NE corner.

508 Enclosure - NH 20404 50802 On a NW-SE axis and with internal measurements of 10m x 6m, the turf covered stone walls of this enclosure stand to 0.5m maximum height and have a spread of 2m. There is a midway division along its long axis with an opening in the centre of it and a possible entrance in SE short end and exit in NW short wall.

509 Building - NH 20426 50816 The feint remains of a rectangular turf structure on a N-S axis, with a distinct back ditch, measure 6m x 2.2m internally. Turf covered walls to max 0.20m height.

510 Building - NH 20428 50809 The stone footings of a rectangular building on a NE-SW axis measure 4.5m x 2m internally. Walls to 0.8m height have a 1.5m spread, with round outer corners and possible squared internal corners. Set in a small hollow between 2 natural embankments in an ancient run of the burn. No obvious entrance.

511 Building - NH 20424 50826 Boulder footings of a rectangular building with double faced walls recessed into a gentle hill slope. A cut-off ditch is above and to both ends. On a NW-SE axis and measuring 5m x 2m internally with an outshot, 2m x 2m, on SW gable end, exposed part of which has a stone cobbled floor. Possible entrance in NW corner.

512 Corn drying kiln and barn- NH20351 50780 Aligned NE-SW this structure is in two parts. The east is a semi-circular feature, internal diameter = 2.65m; recessed into a turf bank, lined with stone with what appears to be a platformed square, with 3 stone wall sides evident on the W face. Possible flue entry on the west face of the semi-circle, W = 0.75. The west part is rectangular, internal length = 3m, internal breadth = 2m. The walls are un-mortared and of non dressed stone. One course, H = 1m at highest extent of the rear bank, T = 0.3. The structure is covered with grass and moss.

513 Possible Building - NH 20346 50811 A NE-SW orientated, semi-circular feature recessed into a bank NNE. Outside angle length = 7m. The southern ’face’ of this feature is a bank, 1m at its highest. Stone footings of one course, appear to be atop this bank (possible terrace of Structure 514). Grass and moss covered.

514 Building - NH20344 50806. A NNE - SSW orientated, rectilinear feature divided into two internal, platformed compartments. E compartment internal length = 8.4m; W compartment length = 3.5m; internal width = 3.6m. The remains of the walls of this feature are very diminished, leaving not even a fully discernible course of footings at any one point. However, there are some remains of the internal dividing wall - these appear to be moderately spread, T = 3.6m. Un-mortared, non dressed stone. Grass and moss covered.

516 Platform - NH20346 50794 An elliptical platformed feature with a notable internal depression, possibly set on a N -S axis. Length - 6.8m; internal radius - 4.5m. It is difficult to read a course of walling within this feature. The whole feature is set on a sloping bank, height which is 0.7m at its highest. Grass and moss on the bank. There appears to be a ‘back ditch’ running along the W side of this feature, this is continuous with the whole length (approx 7M). A platformed pathway runs in close proximity to the N, running E and W from the W corner of Structure 519 to the suspension bridge E of 516.

521 Building – NH 20395 50826 A N-S orientated square feature with a clear central depression - 3m2. The walls of this feature are severely denuded, individual stones are 0.3 thickness at their greatest. Non-dressed stone. Possible entrance at the northern end, W = 1m. The deletrious condition of this feature makes it difficult to infer a function. There is a length of single faced stone dyke/fence footing an extension to west and east of south wall. A few metres to the east at NH 20404 50826 there is a further possible structure which appears to use this line of stones as its rear wall, it measures 4x2m and has a short turf bank at each side.

Farmstead/Keepers House and enclosures (500 to 506, 515, 517 to 520, 522 to 526 and 661) – centredon NH 2034 5085.

500 Enclosure - NH 20315 50886 A rectangular enclosure on a NNW-SSE axis and c.20m x 17m. This enclosure is surrounded by a turf and stone wall generally 0.5m in height but 1m in places and 0.2m in the NW corner. There is possibly an entrance in the SE corner. Enclosure 501 abuts to the N and may predate this enclosure.

501 Enclosure - NH 20310 50895 A further rectangular enclosure, but on an ENE-WSW axis this is c.12m x 10m. The walls are of smaller stones (than 500) and turf and are 0.5m high x 1.5m spread. This appears to predate enclosure 500 as the wall to the south is overlain by that of 500.

502 Platform/Possible building - NH 20323 50853 In a hollow, a few metres to the west of the farmstead, the remains of this rectangular structure are on a NW-SE axis and measure c.4m x 2.5m internally. There is an internal cobbled surface. Surrounding stone wall footings of just 0.10m high and 0.5m thick (but 0.8m at S end, possible tumble) can be discerned, the rounded internal face at the S end is evident. The structure slopes downwards to the NW end where it is open.

503 Building/Farmstead/Keepers House - NH 20342 50853 This building, on a SW-NE axis, is on a recessed platform - there is 2m of level ground to the rear/SE. The walls are of dressed and mortared stonework, but there is some brickwork and the small extension to the east is of breeze blocks. The walls are 0.6m thick and 2.5m high with the W gable complete to c.5m height and the E gable beginning to tumble (will probably not survive another winter!). There is evidence of burning in the scorched window timbers.

504 Enclosure/Midden (Figure 16) - NH 20376 50845 A rectangular enclosure on a SW-NE axis measures c. 9m x 4.5m (3.5m at west end) Recessed into a level area between the two buildings 503 and 505 and with the sides (apart from the west end of the N wall) faced by stonework with a stone coping. In the NW part there is a broad earth bank. The walls are 0.6m in height. There is an entrance, 2m wide, in the NE corner and a clay drainage pipe embedded in the centre of the SE wall. This is thought to be a midden for the manure from the byre just a few metres to the south on the upper side.

505 Building/Byre (Figure 16) - NH 20369 50837 The walls of this building on a SW-NE axis are of dressed and mortared stonework. They are 0.55m thick and 1.85m high, with the gables largely intact but beginning to crumble. There is evidence of a possible wooden outshot to the west where there was a concrete platform abutting. Several other features are of note: - evidence of stalls in the plaster facing of the internal S wall. - a wooden slatted window in the east gable, there was probably one in the west gable too - slit window in outshot measures 0.40 x 1.10m internally (0.15m x 1.10m externally) - main window in NW wall is blocked up - evidence of burning in scorched timbers.

506 Building/Kennels - NH 20379 50832 A rectangular structure on a SW-NE axis a few metres to the rear/S of the byre, 505, internal measurement 4m x 1.25m. It is recessed into the slope and the walls are of dry stone construction. SE wall is 1.3m high but otherwise walls 0.7m high and 0.6m thick. There is a blocked up entrance in the east end of the NW wall, and a further small entrance/a possible dog “creep”, 0.5m2 at the west end of this wall. The structure has been used as a rubbish dump.

515 Bridge abutment - NH 20321 50800 Vertical dry stone face on west bank of burn measures 0.5-0.8m in height and 1.7m in width.

517 Structure/Possible Enclosure - NH20346 50794 An N - S orientated, rectilinear, 3-sided feature of non-dressed boulders, no evident mortaring. Internal length of northern and southern ’arms’ of the enclosure.

517: 2.3m, internal width 3.5m, linear tumble of length 3.7m. “Walls” are of H = 0.3; T = 0.7. The footings of one course remain upstanding, there is some internal tumble to the S - SSW. Apparent eastern opening (there are no footings evident at the eastern face of this structure. What appears to be both tumble from the north wall and an association with a further linear stone and turf feature, 517a/525 This runs along the underlying NW slope. Grass and moss covered. Associated with 518.

525 (formerly 517a) Structure Turf and stone feature on a SE - NW axis, length 2.5m, H = 0.2; T = 0.4.

518 Field boundary - NH20425 50905 The remains of a linear wall comprising one course of undressed stones. Changes course from a SSW - NNE axis to a N - S axis at approx 28m from it’s correspondence to the NE corner of Structure 519, running N - S for a further 23m approx. Length of whole from corner of 519 - 517, 78m approx. H = 0.3; T = 0.6. Associated with 517 and may well continue to west as 526.

520 Enclosure/Sheep fank - NH20346 50876 A N - S orientated, trapezoidal, platformed feature. Internal length 6m; internal width 3m. The walls are very disrupted - having been robbed out extensively, it is difficult to discern a continuous line at any one point. Where they remain stones may be interpreted as the remains of footings of one course. 520 appears to be the platform of a structure, possibly too small to be house, perhaps a sheep fank?

524 (formerly 520a) Enclosure/Sheep fank - NH20338 50861 A N - S orientated, trapezoidal feature enclosed with turf and stone wall footings. Internal length 5m; internal width 2m. The walls are very disrupted - having been robbed out extensively. Where they remain stones may be interpreted as the remains of footings of one course, there is significant tumble within this feature. There is a possible entrance, w = 0.5m, at the N end. 524 appears to be the remains of a structure, perhaps a sheep fank.

519 Building - NH20381 50878 An E - W orientated, trapezoidal feature cut at the E end by what appears to be a ditch. There are two internal compartments. Internal lengths of a) the W compartment 4.1m, b) the E compartment 2.3m; internal width 2.9m. The walls are very disrupted, appearing to have been robbed out extensively. Where they remain there are the footings of one course, H = 0.3m & T = 0.2m. The internal tumble between the E and W compartments spreads to 0.7m. Walls of non-dressed boulders, no evident mortaring. Apparent opening at N corner, width = 1m. Apart from the above mentioned tumble, a 3-sided rectilinear feature (519a/522) appears to have been built into the W end of this structure. Photos 8095 - 96.

522 (formerly 519a) Structure/Possible latrine – NH 20373 50877 An E-W orientated, three-sided feature apparently built into the W end of Structure 519. Internal length 1.4m; internal width 1.6m. The remains of 3 2 course walled sides are to some degree upstanding measuring 0.3m at their highest and 0.5m at their thickest. The walls are a composite of mortared brick and stone. Apparent opening to the east. Apart from wall tumble, a slate roof tile tumble is also evident within this feature. Associated structures: 519 and possibly 503.

523 (formerly 508b) Water Tank – NH 20431 50782 A rectilinear sunken iron structure surrounding a waterlogged ditch, partially covered by a corrugated iron sheet. Internal length = 1.40m; internal breadth = 1m. The waterlogged trench is 0.5m deep. Iron sheeting welded into a rectilinear casing for the trench. 508b appears to be the remains of a water tank, possibly for Structure 503.

526 Field Boundary - NH 20204 50814 (W end) to NH 20323 50820 Remains of a substantial dry stone wall on an E-W axis. Generally is 0.5m in height, 1.5m in thickness and approx.120m in length - most probably been used as consumption dyke for clearance material and may have contained the burn (to the south) when in spate. Bounds a large improved area of land in which there is evidence of broad rigs (see plan) and may be a continuation of 518 to the NE.

661 Clearance Cairn - NH 20266 50913 Substantial cairn 1m in height.

Enclosures and sheepfolds (497 to 499) - NH 2020 5078 These enclosures and sheepfold occupy an area of improved ground on the south side of the burn to the west of the main site of the township and farmstead/keepers cottage. The sheepfold is marked on the 1st edition OS map as having the full number of compartments but on the current OS with just one.

497 Enclosure/Sheepfold - NH 20177 50766 A three sided enclosure on a ENE-WSW axis measures 20x15m internally. Wasted majority turf walls to a height of 0.6m are 1.5m thick at the base. The enclosure may be truncated at NE end by later drainage work - a small stream, bounded on its NE side by the turf wall of 498, passes through this end.

498 Enclosure/Field wall - NH 20189 50782 (W end) - NH 20365 50727 (E end) A large area of improved land on the south side of the burn is enclosed on its south side bythe field wall. The turf wall is generally 0.3-0.5m in height although at the east end the return is 0.8m in height and with a 2m spread. The wall is 200m in length. Within this large enclosure and occupying a central position is the sheepfold 499.

499 Sheepfold - NH 20265 50783 A complex rectangular sheepfold on a NW-SE axis with what appears to be 2 phases to it. The main structure to the SW comprises a substantial drystone walled rectangular structure measuring c.40x17m. The walls are 1m thick at the base and up to 1.2m height in places (collapsed to ground level in others). There is an entrance, 3m in width in the NE wall but it has been substantially blocked. To the NE there are several compartments which have been robbed to ground level so that only single lines of largish stones define the walls (see plan). <1>

NGR adjusted based on 2009 APs <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M. 2009. Report of Phase Two Scardroy and Upper Strathconon: May 2007 - December 2007. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital. P.38-41 Sites 497-526, 661.
  • <2>XY Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 2009. Getmapping aerial photography 2009. [Mapped features: #105642 Sites 497-526,661 Township, ; #105643 Sites 497-526,661 Township, ]

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Nov 2 2017 11:41AM

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