Monument record MHG24927 - Remains of building(s), River Feshie
Grid reference | Centred NN 8479 9540 (30m by 30m) (Buffered by site type) |
Map sheet | NN89NW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
NN89NW 10 c.848 954
A turf-walled building by the River Feshie was observed by J Wordsworth during a pre-afforestation survey. Its position was not accurately recorded as it lay outwith the survey area.
J Wordsworth 1996; NMRS MS 961/2
NN 848 954 Longhouse, not measured (outwith survey area).
Sponsor: Wills Woodland Trust.
J Wordsworth 1997
NN 845954
Visited 23rd Aug. Weather bright, sunny and warm. Two buildings lie close to a bend in the road, on the west bank of the River Feshie at its junction with the Allt Garbhlach
Structure - NN 84835 95432
Eastmost of 2 structures on the west bank of the river, beside the road. This substantial rectangular building is on a N-S axis and measures 12m x 3m internally. Defined by substantial earth banks 0.6-0.8m in height and 1.5-2m in width. No evidence of an entrance. Photograph - East structure (west bank of river) from SE
Structure - 25m to the west of the previous structure
Within a small plantation of trees (obvious shelter for deer during the winter), the remains of this building are on a NE-SW axis. It measures 7m x 3m internally and the walls, although variable, are 0.3m in height and 1m in width. Overplanted with trees.
Recorded by M. Marshall - Aug 2003 <1>
A single building was identified here during a walkover survey in April 2010 in advance of electricity cabling works. It is described as a rectangular, low turf-walled building, interior measurements 10m by 4m, with walls 0.75-1.0m high and 1.5-2.0m wide. The building was noted on the west side of the River Feshie at approximately 350m OD, to the east of a tract of forested land and 3m west of the present-day road. The turf and heather-covered structure, aligned N-S, was significantly degraded, particularly to the west side, and showed no visible entrance. <2>
This site was visited during a walkover survey in March and April 2011. See the linked event (EHG3560) to download the survey report. <3><4>
Sources/Archives (7)
- --- SHG20954 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wordsworth J. 1996. An Archaeological Survey of Proposed Native Pinewood Plantations and Exclosures in Glenfeshie. Wordsworth Archaeological Services. 01/01/1996. Digital (scanned as PDF).
- --- SHG21363 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Scott Wilson Resource Consultants. 2000. Glenfeshie Estate: Woodland Grant Scheme Application. Scott Wilson. 30/05/2000. Digital (scanned as PDF).
- --- SHG21363 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Scott Wilson Resource Consultants. 2000. Glenfeshie Estate: Woodland Grant Scheme Application. Scott Wilson. 30/05/2000. Digital (scanned as PDF).
- <1> SHG22141 Text/Report: Marshall, M. 10/2003. Report of An Archaeological Survey of Glen Feshie, Inverness-shire. North of Scotland Archaeological Society (NOSAS). . Digital.
- <2> SHG24757 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Peteranna, M and Fraser, L. 05/2010. Glen Feshie: Archaeological Walk-over Survey and Mitigation for Cable Undergrounding Project. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital. Site 10.
- <3> SHG25387 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L and Peteranna, M. 05/2011. Glenfeshie Estate Woodland Restoration Scheme: Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital. Sites 25a and 25b.
- <4> SHG25388 Collection/Project Archive: Fraser, L and Peteranna, M. 05/2011. Glenfeshie Estate Woodland Restoration Scheme: Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital. Sites 25a and 25b.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Archaeological walkover survey and monitoring, Glen Feshie (Ref:GFS10) (EHG3233)
- Event - Survey: Desk-based assessment and walkover survey, Glenfeshie Estate (Ref:GWR11) (EHG3560)
- Event - Survey: Glen Feshie Archaeological Survey (EHG1113)
- Event - Survey: Walkover Survey - Glenfeshie (EHG80)
Record last edited
Jun 30 2016 12:18PM
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