Monument record MHG30675 - Township, Carnachuin (North)


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Grid reference Centred NN 8471 9460 (112m by 301m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NN89SW


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Full Description

NN 8470 9475
Visited Saturday 16th June 2001. Weather - cold and overcast, threatening rain. This site lies on a terrace, well above the river on its west bank. It comprises a settlement of 4 structures in the north and a variety of platforms almost certainly connected with the WW2 training camp, centred around a well maintained cottage, in the south. A building marked as “kennels” appears on the 1st edition OS map of 1872, nothing is depicted at the site on the earlier maps.

To the north, there are two structures on the west side of the road:
Structure A
This structure lies beside and parallel to the road on a NNW/SSE axis. The obvious low turf and stone footings are covered with short heather. There are two compartments, the northerly one measuring 9 x 3m internally and that in the south 2 x 3m.

Structure B
Lies on an east/west axis and measures 10 x 2.5m internally. The low stone footings are 0.5m thick and rise to 0.2m in height, there are no internal walls but there could be an entrance in both the north and the south walls.

On the east side of the road there are a further 2 structures :
Structure C
A flat rectangular area, lies on top of a knoll directly to the east of structure A. It is on a north/south axis and measures 14m x 3m, there is evidence of stone footings at the north end and at the south end where it is rebated into the slope.

Structure D
Lies 7m to the south of structure C on an east/west axis and measures 9 x 3m. The heather covered turf and stone footings of the south wall are very evident, the north wall is rebated into the slope. There is no evidence of a wall on the west side. A prominent depression to the south may be associated with this building.

Cairn E - NN 84764 94649
Clearance cairn, 2m in diameter and 0.3m in height.

Pit F - NN 84739 94633
At the foot of a west facing bank, a square pit/?store, 2m square and 0.8m deep. It has a slightly raised earthbank to the west, no evidence of an entrance.

In the south and on the east side of the road:
Platforms G(NN 84733 94595), H, J(NN 84736 94535), and K
Four platforms in varying states of preservation, with J being the best preserved. 16m x 3m on a N-S axis. It is defined by a very definite kerb of stones and with rough paving of irregular stones internally. The others are more wasted, being mostly grass covered. Possible bases for wartime structures.

Structure/?Shieling L - NN 84730 94512
On a north/south axis and measuring internally 5m x 2m. Defined by earthbanks of varying height, 0.3m in north end, less distinct at south end and generally 1m -1.5m in width, grassy. Appears to be an entrance at north end of east wall.

Pit M - NN 84742 94516
To the east of previous structure at the foot of a west facing bank there is an oval pit/?store 2.5m x 1.5m x 0.5m deep with an entrance at south end.

More platforms on the west side of the road in the vicinity of the cottage:
Platforms N
In a small coniferous plantation, two concrete platforms on a NNW-SSE axis, each 24m x 6m. Probably bases for timber structures dating from WW2.

Platform O
Grassy platform on a N-S axis measuring 24m x 6m. Banked out at east side where there is a retaining slope 1m in height. Probably bases for timber structures dating from WW2.

Platforms P - NN 84666 94480
Six concrete platforms on a N-S axis, each 10m x 4m at varying levels. Probably bases for timber structures dating from WW2.

1. Structure A from north.
2. Structure B from east.
3. Structure D from east.
4. Not allocated
5. Platform J from south
6. ?Shieling L from south.
7. Pit M from south.
8. Platforms P from south
Recorded by M. MarshallJune 2001 and June 2003

See Thumbnail photo - showing general view of settlement. M Marshall, 06/01.

The settlement is comprised of 4 structures, 2 on each side of the metalled road, it lies on a terrace well above the river on its west bank. It is not depicted on the current OS map nor does it appear on the 1st edition OS map of 1872 or Roys military survey of 1750.
Information supplied by M Marshall, 06/01.
See assoc. docs. File & Hlink.
J Aitken : 05/03/02.

Structures A and B (above) were visited during a walkover survey in April 2010 in advance of electricity cabling works.
Site 11 (Structure A) comprised the remains of a rectangular drystone building, interior measurements 9m by 3m, with walls 1.0m high. The structure, aligned E-W with possible N-S opposing entrances, is comprised of heather-covered stone footings approximately 1m wide with a heather-covered interior showing one internal partition. It is situated eight metres south of Site 12.
Site 12 (Structure B) comprised the remains of a rectangular drystone building, interior measurements 11.5m long by 3m wide, with walls 0.5m high. The structure, aligned N-S with an eastern entrance, is comprised of heather-covered stone footings approximately 1m wide with a heather-covered interior showing one possible internal partition. <2>

This site was visited during a walkover survey in March and April 2011. See the linked event (EHG3560) to download the survey report. <3><4>

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Text/Report: Marshall, M. 10/2003. Report of An Archaeological Survey of Glen Feshie, Inverness-shire. North of Scotland Archaeological Society (NOSAS). . Digital. Carnachuin North, Features A to P.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Peteranna, M and Fraser, L. 05/2010. Glen Feshie: Archaeological Walk-over Survey and Mitigation for Cable Undergrounding Project. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. Digital. Sites 11 and 12, Plan 3.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Fraser, L and Peteranna, M. 05/2011. Glenfeshie Estate Woodland Restoration Scheme: Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital. Sites 24a to 24n.
  • <4> Collection/Project Archive: Fraser, L and Peteranna, M. 05/2011. Glenfeshie Estate Woodland Restoration Scheme: Desk-based Assessment and Walkover Survey. Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services. Digital. Sites 24a to 24n.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Mar 10 2014 10:55AM

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