Monument record MHG51548 - Site of farmstead and enclosures, west of Borve covered reservoir


A cluster of buildings and associated enclosures identified during a walkover survey.


Grid reference Centred NG 45550 47820 (80m by 80m) (Centred)
Map sheet NG44NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish SNIZORT


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Type and Period (4)

Full Description

A walkover survey in October 2007 identified a cluster of buildings, one of which is truncated by the west corner of the reservoir enclosure. Immediately west of this is a substantial blackhouse-type ruin, aligned ENE-WSW with a small annexe attached to the NE. To the west of this is an attached levelled area, retained by walling to the west and north, probably a kailyard, and a second kailyard or enclosure, containing possible footings of a further structure, is located to the south. <1>

On the 1st edition Ordnance Survey map, one unroofed building with an attached enclosure is recorded at this location. <1><2>

A watching brief took place during trench cutting in this area in 2008. The report contains further discussion of the building described above which has been truncated by the reservoir enclosure: "The remaining NNW and SSE faces both measuring 5.5m in length show truncations at 3m from the ENE side that were created at the time of the previous water main cutting. The remaining undressed stone footings measure a thickness of 0.9m and, a height of 0.2m and are overlain with turf. The structure was previously truncated on the SSE side by the cutting for the Water Main Reservoir Tank and was clipped by the proposed route of Trench 3, to run ENE of the structure."
A further structure (structure 7) was identified which may or may not correspond to the original description of the remains. It is described as an ovoid platform with partially remaining stone footings, measuring 8.4m x 2.9m and situated 6.77m S of the route of Trench 3. The structure appears to have an E – W orientation with an apparent entrance, of 1m width, at the E extent and a less apparent interruption at the W, measuring 0.8m (approx.) in width. Internally, the structure measures 6.5m, ENE – WSW, transversely x 6.5m, E – W, transversely. The remaining footings measure 0.3m at the highest and 1.1m at their thickest. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wood, J.. 2007. Desk Based Assessment and Walk-over Survey: Borve to Edinbane, Isle of Skye - Water Main Renewal. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. 25/10/2007. Digital. Site 1.
  • <2> Dataset/Geospatial Data: RCAHMS. RCAHMS_1st_edition_survey. Digital. FID 13906.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: McCullagh, C. 01/2009. Archaeological Watching Brief: Borve - Edinbane Water Main Renewal. Highland Archaeology Services Ltd. 20/01/2009. Digital. Features 7 and 8.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Apr 29 2009 10:46AM

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