Monument record MHG51573 - BRORA
No summary available.
Grid reference | NC 904 033 (point) |
Map sheet | NC90SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | CLYNE |
Type and Period (8)
Full Description
NC90SW 55 905 034
NC 905 034 In October and November 2005 CFA Archaeology Ltd assisted local volunteers and members of the North of Scotland Archaeology Society (NoSAS) in the investigation of remains on Brora Back Beach. Building remains had previously been recorded eroding out of the sand dunes and a small-scale excavation of these remains in 2004 by the SCAPE Trust and local volunteers demonstrated the extent and potential importance of the site. Historical background research had also been carried out by local enthusiast Jacqueline Aitken, and provided information on the development of the site as a whole. The aim of the current phase of work was to carry out a full survey of the area, train the local volunteers in basic archaeological skills, and carry out further small excavations. The information collected will be used to inform further work in the area.
A full field survey was carried out of the whole area from Lower Brora in the NE to just before the firing range in the SW. It recorded 36 sites of interest including the radio station and associated aerial bases, 9 coal pits, 4 boundary walls, 5 buildings, 5 middens, a harbour, trackways, clearance heaps, and a findspot. A total station survey was carried out to plot all the features onto a base map. Photographs of all features were taken.
Small-scale excavation was carried out at the sites of two buildings and an extensive industrial midden. This involved the exposure and recording of eroding material visible in the sand dune section. Map evidence has suggested that these remains could be that of a saltworks dating to the 18th century. A flagstone floor and the E wall of a building were revealed as well as the possible back wall of a building and a large industrial midden comprising primarily of burnt coal, ash and shale.
Auger surveying was carried out next to the `Saltman¿s House¿, where a midden had been identified eroding out of the coastal section. The survey showed that the midden was quite extensive and mostly comprised demolition material. An auger survey was also carried out over the old golf course within the eastern section of the study area. Little archaeological material was uncovered in this area but this may be due to the landscaping of this area for use as a golf course. Further auger survey was carried out over the eroding building remains on the coastal edge to determine their extent. This survey demonstrated that one of the buildings extends back into the dune whereas the other does not, showing the latter has almost completely eroded away.
Archive to be deposited with NMRS.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland.
S Badger, 2006. <1>
Not surveyed as a general reference to previous archaeological work in the area.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24110 Dataset: RCAHMS. 01/2009. Annual update from Canmore. Digital. 294450.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
Record last edited
Apr 30 2014 10:56AM
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