Monument record MHG52504 - Structural remains at 4 Glen Bernisdale
Grid reference | Centred NG 40202 48403 (30m by 70m) |
Map sheet | NG44NW |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Civil Parish | SNIZORT |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Three "curvilinear platforms" and two rectilinear structures were identified during a watching brief in connection with a new water main in 2008. The features are believed to be associated with Glen Bernisdale crofting township.
Structure 1 (NG 4021 4843) is a curvilinear platform area, measuring 5.7m x 6.3m, with no obvious alignment.
Structure 2 (NG 4021 4842) is a curvilinear platform area with radius 3.5m, partially surrounded with undressed cobble footings and recessed into a field dyke embankment to the west. There is a possible entrance to the ESE.
Structure 3 (NG 4021 4842) is a double-celled, N-S aligned, rectilinear structure. The turf and stone wall remains measure 4.5m x 5.8m and are 0.3m at the highest point. A dividing wall, composed of non-mortared, non-dressed
cobbles appears at 1.8m on the north side. The dividing wall measures 0.8m in thickness.
Structure 4 (NG 4019 4840) is a curvilinear platform, measuring 13m x 14.5m, surrounded by a turf and stone embankment of 0.5m height. External ditching is evident on the N, W and W faces. The structure may be N – S aligned.
Structure 5 (NG 4020 4837) is a double-celled rectilinear structure. It is W – E aligned, with 2 courses of apparently
un-mortared walling, remaining in parts, – some large dressed stones measuring 0.5m x 0.22m remain in situ - and measuring 13m x 5m. The internal dividing wall occurs 6m from the E end. The internal dividing wall measures 0.3m in height and 1m in thickness.
Polygons of the feature extents were supplied by the archaeological contractor. <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Mar 16 2009 1:36PM
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