Monument record MHG54445 - Shielings, enclosures - middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh)
Grid reference | Centred NH 3668 5841 (179m by 167m) |
Map sheet | NH35NE |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Civil Parish | CONTIN |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
(250 – 260) centred on NH 3665 5839 This site of enclosures and sheilings is 2 kilometres west of Loch Luichart Dam on the north side of the Allt a’Ghlinne at an altitude of 200m. It is on a SE sloping spur in a broad gully in which runs a small burn, a tributary of the Allt a Ghlinne. The ground is generally heathery but the enclosures stand out as grassy improved ground. There are 3 enclosures and 7 shielings.
250 Enclosure - NH 36625 58450 The northmost and upper of the three enclosures, it is irregular in shape and roughly 50m x 50m. There are 2 clearance cairns and a patch of lazy beds 251 within.
251 Cultivation remains/Lazy beds - NH 36617 58458 Situated within enclosure 250.
252 Enclosure - NH 36682 58391 The middle enclosure, rectangular and roughly 60m x 25, has 2 structures 253 and 254 within.
253 Building/Sheiling - NH 36682 58410 The well formed stone and turf walls of a structure aligned NW-SE and measuring 4m x 2m internally sits inside the NE corner of enclosure 252. It appears as a rectangular depression with an entrance in the SE corner. Rounded corners inside and out. 254 Building/Sheiling - NH 36677 58395 The indistinct very low walls of an oval structure aligned WNW-ESE sit within the south part of enclosure 252. The structure has internal measurements of 5m x 2m. There is a clear depression through the centre of the structure. No visible stonework. Grass, heather and bracken cover the structure.
255 Building/Sheiling - NH 36653 58391 The low turf and stone walls of a wasted structure aligned SW-NE measuring 4m x 2m internally sit c.22m west of enclosure 252. Appears as a clear depression and has bracken and heather cover.
256 Building/Sheiling - NH 36667 58384 The partial remains of a roughly ?circular structure on an E-W alignment and measuring 5m x 2m internally lie c3m outwith the SE corner of enclosure 252. The structure is cut into the hillside on the N side and the ground falls away to the open S side. Walls of turf are heavily heather covered. A short length of turf wall runs SW from the structure to a small burn.
257 Building/Sheiling - NH 36641 58359 The wasted remains of a roughly rectangular structure aligned SW-NE measure 4,5m x 2m sit on an elongated sloping mound in a group of 3 structures. The stone and turf walls are covered in grass and bracken and there are reeds internally.
258 Building/Sheiling - NH 36633 58361 The low indistinct grassy walls of a sub rectangular structure which measures 4m x 2m internally. It is the middle of 3 structures.
259 Building/Sheiling - NH 36622 58364 The upper of 3 structures, this indistinct, possibly figure of 8 shaped, structure is on a NW-SE alignment and measure 4m x 2m internally. The low walls are of turf and stone, bracken and grass covered. 2 probable depressed centres of 2 conjoined circular cells.
260 Enclosure - NH 36720 58325 The south most and lower of the three enclosures is roughly circular and 60m in diameter. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SHG24094 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M.. 2009. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. 23/01/2009. Digital. Sites
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Record last edited
May 9 2017 1:52PM
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