Monument record MHG54445 - Shielings, enclosures - middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh)


Shielings, enclosures and lazy beds at middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh)


Grid reference Centred NH 3668 5841 (179m by 167m)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

(250 – 260) centred on NH 3665 5839 This site of enclosures and sheilings is 2 kilometres west of Loch Luichart Dam on the north side of the Allt a’Ghlinne at an altitude of 200m. It is on a SE sloping spur in a broad gully in which runs a small burn, a tributary of the Allt a Ghlinne. The ground is generally heathery but the enclosures stand out as grassy improved ground. There are 3 enclosures and 7 shielings.

250 Enclosure - NH 36625 58450 The northmost and upper of the three enclosures, it is irregular in shape and roughly 50m x 50m. There are 2 clearance cairns and a patch of lazy beds 251 within.

251 Cultivation remains/Lazy beds - NH 36617 58458 Situated within enclosure 250.

252 Enclosure - NH 36682 58391 The middle enclosure, rectangular and roughly 60m x 25, has 2 structures 253 and 254 within.

253 Building/Sheiling - NH 36682 58410 The well formed stone and turf walls of a structure aligned NW-SE and measuring 4m x 2m internally sits inside the NE corner of enclosure 252. It appears as a rectangular depression with an entrance in the SE corner. Rounded corners inside and out. 254 Building/Sheiling - NH 36677 58395 The indistinct very low walls of an oval structure aligned WNW-ESE sit within the south part of enclosure 252. The structure has internal measurements of 5m x 2m. There is a clear depression through the centre of the structure. No visible stonework. Grass, heather and bracken cover the structure.

255 Building/Sheiling - NH 36653 58391 The low turf and stone walls of a wasted structure aligned SW-NE measuring 4m x 2m internally sit c.22m west of enclosure 252. Appears as a clear depression and has bracken and heather cover.

256 Building/Sheiling - NH 36667 58384 The partial remains of a roughly ?circular structure on an E-W alignment and measuring 5m x 2m internally lie c3m outwith the SE corner of enclosure 252. The structure is cut into the hillside on the N side and the ground falls away to the open S side. Walls of turf are heavily heather covered. A short length of turf wall runs SW from the structure to a small burn.

257 Building/Sheiling - NH 36641 58359 The wasted remains of a roughly rectangular structure aligned SW-NE measure 4,5m x 2m sit on an elongated sloping mound in a group of 3 structures. The stone and turf walls are covered in grass and bracken and there are reeds internally.

258 Building/Sheiling - NH 36633 58361 The low indistinct grassy walls of a sub rectangular structure which measures 4m x 2m internally. It is the middle of 3 structures.

259 Building/Sheiling - NH 36622 58364 The upper of 3 structures, this indistinct, possibly figure of 8 shaped, structure is on a NW-SE alignment and measure 4m x 2m internally. The low walls are of turf and stone, bracken and grass covered. 2 probable depressed centres of 2 conjoined circular cells.

260 Enclosure - NH 36720 58325 The south most and lower of the three enclosures is roughly circular and 60m in diameter. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M.. 2009. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. 23/01/2009. Digital. Sites

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

May 9 2017 1:52PM

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