Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24094 - A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon
Title | A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon |
Author/Originator | Marshall, M. |
Date/Year | 2009 |
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Highland Council Planning & Development Service HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (90)
- MHG57291 Boundary wall - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG57277 Building - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche/Drumandarroch) (Monument)
- MHG57276 Building - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche/Drumandarroch) (Monument)
- MHG57274 Building - Loch Achonachie (Monument)
- MHG54515 Building - middle Glen Marksie (Monument)
- MHG57259 Building/platform- Comrie (Monument)
- MHG57284 Building/possible still - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG57266 Building/possible Still - middle Glen Marksie (Monument)
- MHG57267 Building/Shieling - middle Glen Marksie (Monument)
- MHG54519 Building/shieling, enclosure - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne (Monument)
- MHG54514 Buildings, enclosures, improved land and cultivation terrace - Middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh) (Monument)
- MHG54516 Buildings/possible shielings - Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh) (Monument)
- MHG54254 Byre house, longhouse/farmstead, enclosure - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG54834 C19 Dam - Loch A'mhuilinn, Strathconon (Monument)
- MHG51414 Cup marked rock at Allt a' Chuillin, Scatwell (site 056A) (Monument)
- MHG51415 Cup marked rock at Allt a' Chuillin, Scatwell (site 056B) (Monument)
- MHG51416 Cup marked rock at Allt a' Chuillin, Scatwell (site 056C) (Monument)
- MHG51417 Cup marked rock at Allt a' Chuillin, Scatwell (site 056D) (Monument)
- MHG24234 Curin Settlement, Strathconon (Monument)
- MHG54835 Dam - Allt A Bhealach (Monument)
- MHG54822 Dam - Garrimatic (Monument)
- MHG24678 Enclosure - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG24681 Enclosure - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG57272 Enclosure - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) Loch Achonachie Enclosure - (Monument)
- MHG57257 Enclosure and sheepfold - Loch Achilty (Monument)
- MHG54440 Enclosure, sheepfold - Loch Achilty (Monument)
- MHG54447 Farmstead - Allt na Fainich, Contin (Monument)
- MHG54826 Farmstead and enclosure - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG54531 Farmstead and enclosure - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Fainich/Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG54517 Farmstead and enclosure - middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh) (Monument)
- MHG54452 Farmstead and enclosure - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG54441 Farmstead and enclosure - Strone, Loch Achilty (Monument)
- MHG24680 Farmstead and enclosures - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG57282 Farmstead and enclosures/wall - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG57281 Farmstead and enclosures/walls - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG54439 Farmstead, enclosure and clearance cairns - Loch Achonachie (Monument)
- MHG24222 Farmstead, enclosure, building, possible still and lade - Allt Dubh (Monument)
- MHG54825 Farmstead, enclosure/improved land, working area/possible Industrial complex, building and still bothy - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG24677 Farmstead, enclosures and clearance cairns - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG24672 Farmstead, enclosures, building and dam - Upper Allt Dubh (Monument)
- MHG54827 Farmstead, still - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG54448 Field system, enclosures, walls and buildings - Allt A'chuilinn (Monument)
- MHG54442 Former Bridge - Comrie (Monument)
- MHG39287 Garrimatic (Obiri Cottage), Strathconon (Monument)
- MHG54829 Hydro Scheme - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG54444 Hydroelectric Scheme - Conon Falls House (Monument)
- MHG57293 Kennels - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG54831 Lade, dam - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG57295 Lade/site of sluice and lade - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG36295 Loch Luichart Power Station (Monument)
- MHG24724 Middle and West Township - Upper Allt Dubh (Monument)
- MHG54811 Milestone - Drumandarch, Contin (Monument)
- MHG54530 Mines and quarries - Little Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG43410 Old Drove road - Curin, Strathconon (Monument)
- MHG54824 Peat track - Loch Achonachie (Monument)
- MHG54450 Pen - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG57262 Pen - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG57265 Pens - middle Glen Marksie (Monument)
- MHG57271 Pillar - Little Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG54815 Possible sheilings - Cnoc A'chonaisg, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG57292 Quarry - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG54451 Rock shelter - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG57296 Sawmill - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG54832 Sawmill and lade - Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG57275 Sheepfold and Enclosure - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) (Monument)
- MHG57268 Sheepfold/enclosure - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne (Monument)
- MHG54823 Sheilings - Allt na Fainich (Seileach Mor) Seileach Mor (Monument)
- MHG57270 Shieling - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne (Monument)
- MHG54453 Shielings - Soulmarksie (Monument)
- MHG57285 Shielings - Upper Allt Dubh (Monument)
- MHG54445 Shielings, enclosures - middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh) (Monument)
- MHG54521 Shielings, possible stores and improved ground - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne (Monument)
- MHG54525 Shielings/Shieling mound - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne (Monument)
- MHG54830 Stalkers Track- Scatwell House (Monument)
- MHG57283 Still - Allt Dubh, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG57280 Still bothy - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche) (Monument)
- MHG57278 Still bothy - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche/Drumandarroch) (Monument)
- MHG57279 Still bothy - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche/Drumandarroch) (Monument)
- MHG54833 Still bothy - Alt A'mhuilinn (Monument)
- MHG54443 Still bothy - Comrie (Monument)
- MHG54836 Still bothy - Curin (Monument)
- MHG54532 Still bothy - Loch Achonachie (Allt na Criche/Drumandarroch) (Monument)
- MHG54828 Still bothy- Allt Nam Ballach, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG57297 Sub circular structure - Cnoc A'chonaisg, Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG24725 Township - Comrie (Monument)
- MHG39288 Township - Drumandarch, Strathconon (Monument)
- MHG24231 Township - Little Scatwell (Monument)
- MHG54820 Township - Scatwell Farm (Monument)
- MHG24230 Township and enclosures - Glenmarksie (Monument)
- MHG57258 Track/hollow way - Comrie (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG2875 Scotland's Rural Past Strathconon Project: Phase 1 (Ref: SC1)
Record last edited
Aug 3 2017 2:20PM