Monument record MHG54820 - Township - Scatwell Farm


Township, buildings and dams at Scatwell


Grid reference Centred NH 3932 5638 (187m by 166m)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN


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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

A possible Township, buildings and dams (Glascharn) (131 – 133, 138 – 143) centred on NH 3929 5634 to the west of Scatwell Farm was surveyed by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project. An area of grassland and a knoll projecting west into marshland to the west of Scatwell Farm was recorded. The area appears to have been extensively worked. The knoll is in quite a defensive position surrounded as it is by marshland and cut off by a deep drainage ditch; however it is at the low point of a much wider “bowl” in the countryside. There seems to have been many efforts in relatively recent times at controlling the water/marsh. This site is known as Glascharn on the 1st edition OS map and may be one of the settlements on the Roy map of c.1750. A series of 3 dams are also included here.

131 Dam - NH 39374 56713 Situated in a copse there are the L shaped remains of an earth bank which appears to have formed a pond. The present stream breaches the long side of the dam which is 12m in length and on a N-S axis. The shortest bank is at right angles to the N and is 4.5m. The banks are 2.5m in width and 0.5m in height.

132 Dam - NH 39323 56394 to the west of 131, this dam is 24m in length and on a N-S axis. The banks are 2.5m in width and 0.8m in height.

133 Dam/Wall - NH 39251 56427 the stone remains of this dam are incomplete and continue as a wall for 35m to the NE.

138 Building - NH 39333 56358 Rectangular building on a E-W axis measures roughly 10m x 2.5m internally. The defining earth bank on the N side is 0.5m in height. A disturbed area 139 to the S may be associated.

139 Possible Building - A depressed area of irregular shape a few metres to the south of 138

140 Possible Building - NH 39293 56339 On the summit of a knoll this rectangular building is on an E-Waxis and measures 5m x 1.5m internally. It has turf banks and rounded ends. A pit, of 1m diameter, to the east may be associated

141 Pit - NH 39240 56348 this pit is excavated into the south side of a knoll. It is 3m in diameter and 0.5m deep.

142 Wall - NH 39238 56371 A turf and stone bank 1m in width and 20m in length this wall forms a dogleg

143 Worked area - NH 39241 56363 A level disturbed area on the summit of a knoll. It may have some sort of structures on it but no
particular forms could be identified. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M.. 2009. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. 23/01/2009. Digital. p.51, 52 Sites 131-133, 138 - 143.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 16 2017 2:35PM

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