Monument record MHG54521 - Shielings, possible stores and improved ground - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne


Shielings, possible stores and improved ground at Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne


Grid reference Centred NH 3543 5799 (184m by 225m)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN
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Full Description

These shielings and improved ground were recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project. Centred on NH 35412 58034 and five kilometre west of the Loch Luichart Dam Situated on the north side of the upper part of Gleann Marcasaidh, there is a SE facing spur/slope at an altitude of 250m with 21 sheilings and 3 possible small stores. All the remains of the sheilings are similar and have a rectangular shape with rounded ends. The low turf and stone walls have a spread of between 0.8m and 1.5m. Some of the buildings have small cells or chambers attached. There is a small area lower down at the east end where several clearance cairns appear to indicate that the ground has once been improved and possibly cultivated.

303 Building/Sheiling - NH 35513 58071 A rectangular building on a N-S axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m.

304 Building/possible Store - NH 35515 58068 A small circular structure defined by banks with some stones. Internal diameter 2m.

305 Building/Sheiling - NH 35461 58066 A rectangular building on a well defined ridge, has an E-W axis and internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. Walls to 0.2m height.

306 Building/Sheiling - NH 35460 58075 A few metres to NW of 305 this rectangular building is on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 2m. Walls are to 0.2m.

307 Building/Sheiling (Fig 3)- NH 35460 58054 A rectangular building on a NW-SE axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. An outshot outside SE corner, roughly circular and 2m diameter. Further outshot outside NE corner is possibly semi-circular and 1.5m x 1m.

308 Building/Sheiling (Fig 3) - NH 35447 58059 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 5m x 2m. Circular outshot at SE corner, 1.5m diameter.

309 Building/Sheiling - NH 35445 58084 On top of a ridge, this rectangular building is on an E-W axis and has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. There is an entrance in the S wall and an outshot to the west in alignment with the building, 2.5m x 1.5m.

310 Building/Sheiling - NH 35416 58081 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 2m.

311 Building/Sheiling - NH 35407 58083 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 2m. Hump in centre.

312 Building/Possible Store - NH 35412 58034 A circular structure 1.5m in diameter 313 Building/Sheiling - NH 35409 58041 A
rectangular building on a N-S axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m.

314 Building/Sheiling - NH 35404 58047 A well mounded rectangular building on a NW-SE axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 1.5m. Entrance to SW. Outshot to NW, 1.5m x 1m. A few metres to the east there appears to be a roughly circular enclosure, c 12m diameter surrounded by a very low turf bank.

315 Sheiling - NH 35381 58062 A rectangular building on a NE-SW axis, has internal dimensions of 3,5m x 1.5m. Entrance in
NE gable.

316 Sheiling - NH 35351 58088 A rectangular building on a SE-NW axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. Outshot to SE in line, 2m x 1.5m, has a well defined stone edge.

317 Sheiling - NH 35372 58036 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 1.5m. Walls defined by heather cover.

318 Sheiling - NH 35441 57984 on the summit of a prominent ridge, this rectangular building is on an E-W axis and has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 2m. Turf walls at east end are 0.3m high. Entrance at NE corner and possible outshot at SW corner.

319 Sheiling - NH 35456 57983 A few metres to the east of 318, this rectangular building is on an n E-W axis and has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. Entrance at the NE corner and also possibly at SW.

320 Sheiling - NH 35488 57987 A rectangular building on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. Possible outshot at W end.

321 Sheiling - NH 35403 57918 A few metres from the end of the track on a grassy knoll, this rectangular building is on an E-W axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 1.5m.

322 Sheiling - NH 35432 57914 Terraced into the side of a slope, this rectangular building is on a N-S axis, has internal dimensions of 3m x 1.5m. Walls not very well defined.

323 Possible Sheiling - NH 35442 57890.

324 Building/Sheiling - NH 35471 57893 A rectangular building on a SE-NW axis, has internal dimensions of 3.5m x 2m. Outshot at NE corner c.1.5m square - stones.

325 Building/Possible Store - NH 35464 57901 A small raised square building, 1.5m x 1.5m.

326 Sheiling - NH 35462 57908 A rectangular building on a N-S axis, has internal dimensions of 4m x 2m. Low walls are barely discernable and have some stone composition at N end. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Marshall, M.. 2009. A Project to Identify, Survey and Record Archaeological Remains in Strathconon, Ross-shire: Report of Phase One Scatwell and Lower Strathconon. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. 23/01/2009. Digital. Site 303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

May 19 2017 1:08PM

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