Monument record MHG8281 - Hut circle - An Torr 5 (AMC108)


A hut circle at An Torr, Badachro near Gairloch.


Grid reference Centred NG 7872 7313 (11m by 11m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NG77SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish GAIRLOCH


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NG 7872 7314. A small hut circle is situated at an elevation of 45m on the south slope of An Torr. It lies 45m northeast of circle An Torr 2, at the bottom of the slope and in a small clump of birches. The diameter of the circle is ca. 5m (internal) with the walling of stone; in one section of the wall, the facing stones (internal and external) are visible and it is here 1.25m wide. No entrance can be seen. Not shown on the OS maps. <1>

The site was visited by C Dagg in 1998 during a walkover survey in advance of a proposed Woodland Grant Scheme plantation at An Torr. It was found to be as recorded previously. It was recommended that the area be excluded from the proposed scheme. <2>

The hut circle was included in a desk-based assessment for a proposed woodland planting scheme for Shieldaig Farm, in an area to the east of the Badachro River. <3>

178743 873123 An Torr 5 AMC108: The hut circle was visited by A MacInnes in 2010 as part of research by A Welti for a dissertation on hut circles in Wester Ross. This was part of a degree course overseen by Aberdeen University. The circular stone structure lies in birch woodland at the base of a craggy slope and is submerged by bracken. It is dug into and built out from a gentle slope. There are some very large boulders in the walls. Views are limited to N and panoramic to S. Average internal diameter is 4.8m, external diameter is 6.9m. Double skinned wall thickness is 1m with maximum height 0.5m. No entrance is discernable. AMC108 may be associated with AMC107 (see MHG8280) (40m distant), AMC109 (see MHG30972) (50m distant), and AMC110 (see MHG8282) (70m distant). There may also be an association with AMC137 (see MHG8276) (400m distant). <4> <5>

[Note: a database was set up as part of research for the dissertation and was subsequently expanded as an extension of the We Digs Project (see website link below). The full access database can be made available to enquirers/researchers if requested - contact HER for details].

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Article: Wentworth, R. 1989. 'Survey', Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1989, p.33-4. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland. 33-4. 34.
  • <2> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dagg C. 1998. Archaeological Survey of a proposed Woodland Grant Scheme plantation at An Torr, Badachro, Gairloch, Wester Ross. Catherine Dagg. 12/11/1998. Digital. Site 12.
  • <3> Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Dagg C. 2010. Shieldaig Farm, Gairloch, Wester Ross: Proposed New Planting Areas: Archaeological Desk-Based Evaluation. Unaffiliated. Digital.
  • <4> Text/Manuscript: Welti, A.. 2012. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye. University of Aberdeen. Yes. Digital. AMC108.
  • <5> Dataset/Database File: Welti, A.. 2009-2016. Roundhouses of Wester Ross and parts of Skye: project database. Lochbroom Field Club. Yes. Digital. AMC108.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Apr 19 2017 1:07PM

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