Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24304 - Allt na Choire, Ullapool, Lochbroom, Wester Ross: Proposed Hydro-Electric Generation Scheme - Archaeological Evaluation
Title | Allt na Choire, Ullapool, Lochbroom, Wester Ross: Proposed Hydro-Electric Generation Scheme - Archaeological Evaluation |
Author/Originator | Dagg, C |
Date/Year | 06/2009 |
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (24)
- MHG7816 Creag A' Bhothain (Monument)
- MHG52644 Dams, sluices and overflow channel, Allt Loch a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG52655 Drystone dyke, north east of Braes of Ullapool (Monument)
- MHG33359 Enclosure or possible hut circle, SE of Corry Farm, Braes of Ullapool (Monument)
- MHG24388 Enclosure, Braes of Ullapool (Monument)
- MHG52662 Field boundary with clearance, Corry Bank (Monument)
- MHG52659 Field clearance piles, west of Corry Cottage (Monument)
- MHG52666 Former caravan park, Corry Bridge (Monument)
- MHG52660 MacKenzie's Road (Monument)
- MHG39038 Midden mound or possible round barrow, east of Corry Farm (Monument)
- MHG52664 Old road alignment, Corry Bridge (Monument)
- MHG52645 Old tweed mill, Corry Bridge (Building)
- MHG52651 Peat cuttings, north and south of Allt a'Choire (Monument)
- MHG52654 Possible head dyke, north east of Braes of Ullapool (Monument)
- MHG52665 Rubble dyke, Corry Farm (Monument)
- MHG24389 Sheep park, Corry Bridge (Monument)
- MHG52653 Shieling hut, south of Allt a'Choire (Monument)
- MHG52661 Site of bridge over Corry Burn (Monument)
- MHG52656 Stone platform within enclosure, north east of Braes of Ullapool (Monument)
- MHG52647 Trackway, Corry Cottage to Caliskaig (Monument)
- MHG52657 Turf boundary dyke, north east of Corry Cottage (Monument)
- MHG24390 Unroofed building, Allt Creag A' Bhothain (Monument)
- MHG52646 Water Pipeline, north of Allt Loch a'Choire Dhuibh (Monument)
- MHG52652 Water tank, north of Allt a'Choire (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EHG3025 Archaeological evaluation of proposed hydro-electric scheme, Allt na Choire, Ullapool
Record last edited
Jul 24 2009 4:04PM