Source/Archive record (Text/Report/Fieldwork Report) SHG24632 - Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora, Highland: An Archaeological Evaluation of a proposed borrow pit; A Watching brief on the groundworks of an access road & the Survey of Sites 102, 103 and 104
Title | Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora, Highland: An Archaeological Evaluation of a proposed borrow pit; A Watching brief on the groundworks of an access road & the Survey of Sites 102, 103 and 104 |
Author/Originator | Haston, S-J |
Date/Year | 01/2007 |
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Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (0)
Referenced Events (4)
- EHG3157 Field survey - Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora (2006) (Ref: SBW02)
- EHG3155 Trial trenching - Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora (Ref: SBW02)
- EHG3155 Trial trenching - Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora (Ref: SBW02)
- EHG3156 Watching brief - Access track, Kilbraur Wind Farm, Strath Brora (Ref: SBW02)
Record last edited
Oct 6 2014 4:14PM