Site Event/Activity record EHG3185 - Desk-based assessment and walkover survey - Wathegar Wind Farm


Location Proposed windfarm, Wathegar
Grid reference Centred ND 28434 51077 (2540m by 2384m) (Centred)
Map sheet ND25SE
Geographical Area CAITHNESS



Janet Hooper


October 2009


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A desk-based assessment and walkover survey was conducted as part of an environmental impact assessment for a new wind farm. There were no previously recorded archaeological sites within the proposal area. Five sheepfolds were identified on the ground but no features of archaeological significance were recognised during the field survey. Only one potential archaeological site was identified on the aerial photographs but this could not be confirmed on the ground. In addition, several groups of buildings were identified from historic mapping in the Thuster croft area, none of which would be affected by the proposals. It seems probable that the development will have little impact on the archaeological resource of this area. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Report/Environmental Statement: Hooper, J.. 01/2010. Wathegar Wind Farm - Environmental Statement: Cultural Heritage chapter. Janet Hooper. . Digital (scanned as PDF).

Related Monuments/Buildings (8)

  • Circular sheepfold, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Circular sheepfold, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Circular sheepfold, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Circular sheepfold, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Circular sheepfold, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Farmstead, Upper Wathegar (Monument)
  • Possible sheepfold and enclosure, Wathegar (Monument)
  • Stone clearance heap, Wathegar (Monument)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 11:21AM

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