Site Event/Activity record EHG3442 - Sonar survey (1999), Sound of Mull Archaeological Project


Location Scallastle Bay and Ardtornish Bay, Sound of Mull
Grid reference Centred NM 70126 39530 (10441m by 10377m)
Map sheet NM73NW
Geographical Area LOCHABER



Sound of Mull Mapping Consortium




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In 1999 a side-scan sonar and proton-magnetometer survey was undertaken in association with the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor. This used a dual-high-frequency two-fish (100 and 325 kHz), providing a 10 degree transducer beam for maximum range and optimum operational capacity in the expected water depths. Differential GPS enabled positioning accurage to +/- 10 metres. The sonar survey recorded large areas of Scallastle and Ardtornish Bays, as well as the Duart Point wreck and four others. During the same year the Archaeological Diving Unit, based at the University of St Andrews, carried out field trials on new side-scan equipment on two wrecks including the John Preston. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Monograph: Robertson, P (ed). 2007. The Sound of Mull Archaeological Project (SOMAP) 1994-2005, BAR British Series 453. Nautical Archaeology Society. Paper (Original). p 11.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Buitenzorg: Glas Eileanan, Sound of Mull (Maritime)
  • John Preston: Rubha Dearg, Lochaline, Sound of Mull (Maritime)
  • Logan: Lochaline Pier, Sound of Mull (Maritime)

Record last edited

Nov 27 2014 1:46PM

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