Maritime record MHG34184 - Buitenzorg: Glas Eileanan, Sound of Mull


The wreck of a steamship lost in 1941.


Grid reference Centred NM 6982 4102 (92m by 196m) (Buffered by site type)
Map sheet NM64SE
Geographical Area MARITIME
Geographical Area LOCHABER


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NM64SE 8002 6980 4093
N 56 30.25 W 5 44.4667

Formerly NM64SE 9054.

NLO: Glas Eileanan [name: NM 715 399].

Quality of fix = HAS
Evidence = Divers Report
Horizontal Datum = OGB
General water depth = 90
Orientation of keel/wreck = NWSE

Circumstances of Loss Details
The BUITZENBORG ran aground while on voyage from Calcutta to Dundee, via Oban, and it later slipped off the rocks sinking into deep water close by.

Surveying Details
26 February 1941. A non dangerous wreck is reported at 56 30 18N, 005 44 24W.
Source; Admiralty.

14 January 1974. The wreck's position is given as 56 30 15N, 005 44 28W. Horizontal sextant angles: Jara Point 110-11 minutes Garmony Point 33-21 thor.The site was located whilst sounding. The least depth was 77 in a general depth of 85 metres. A scour pit to the depth of 91 metres was observed. The seabed is sand and mud. Two echoes were picked up on adjacent sounding lines 100 metres apart. The wreck lies with its keel on an orientation of 315/135 degrees.
Report by boat party.

15 November 1976. The site is reported to be marked by small coloured buoy to establish salvors rights prior to commencing salvage in spring 1977.
Source; Mr A Mundy, telecommunication 15 November 1976.

17 November 1982. The cargo is stated to be tea and pig iron, but rubber is reported to be coming ashore.
Report by Mr Jeffries, Oban, from telecommunication.

13 January 1983. The wreck is being marked by buoy to establish salvage rights. Details to follow.
Report by Mr Ridler, from telecommunication.

3 March 1983. A salvage vessel is now working wreck, using a remotely control vehicle. Rubber from the cargo has been seen. The wreck's position is correct, but the depth is thought to be in error. A further report to follow.
Source; Mr Jeffries, telecommunication.

2 May 1985. A survey, followed by 28 days salvage, was carried out in February/March 1983. The least depth obtained was 72 metres. The stern lies in 90 metres and the bow in 103 metres. The vessel is fairly intact, lying with about 25 degrees starboard list and a large hole in starboard side abaft no.2 hold forward. The currents experienced around the wreck were slight compared to those on the surface.
Source; Mr Jefferies, Aberdeen Diving Services, 24 April 1985.

16 October 1985. The wreck was located at 56 30 14N, 005 44 29W. Its general depth [at low water springs] is 80 metres.
Source; Kilburns Salvage Co Ltd, Newport on Tay, 12 October 1985.

11 June 1986. There is a description of the salvage of the wreck and the vessel used in Lloyds List 11 June 1986.

Hydrographic Office, 1995.

Remote sensing in 2004 located a large wreck which has been identified by salvage teams and recreational divers as the wreck of SS Buitenzorg. There are conflicting accounts of her loss and the purpose of the voyage, but it is most likely that she was en route from Calcutta to Dundee. The vessel stranded on a reed on 14 January 1941 with some suggestions that the crew had scuttled their vessel for fear of the U-boat threat around the Pentland Firth. The remote sensing data provides some evidence of salvage impacts, the use of grabs having ripped a large hole out of the port side of the vessel possibly extending to the starboard side. However the vessel remains largely intact. There is evidence of wreck debris up to 40m from the starboard side of the vessel but no similar evidence to port. One large object 5.3m long was identified 1.5m off the seabed, with another possible object being identified 45m off the port bow. <1><2>

Further information is available on RCAHMS's Canmore website. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Text/Publication/Monograph: Robertson, P (ed). 2007. The Sound of Mull Archaeological Project (SOMAP) 1994-2005, BAR British Series 453. Nautical Archaeology Society. Paper (Original). p 28.
  • <2> Interactive Resource: Robertson, P. 2007. The Sound of Mull Archaeological Project (SOMAP) 1994-2005, BAR British Series 453. Nautical Archaeology Society. CD.
  • <3> Interactive Resource/Online Database: RCAHMS. Canmore, online database of the Royal Commission for the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS).

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Feb 9 2011 10:00AM

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