Source/Archive record (Text/Publication/Article) SHG1225 - 'Notes on the relics of the Viking period of the Northmen in Scotland, illustrated by specimens in the museum', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 10 1872-4, p.536-94
Title | 'Notes on the relics of the Viking period of the Northmen in Scotland, illustrated by specimens in the museum', Proc Soc Antiq Scot Vol. 10 1872-4, p.536-94 |
Author/Originator | Anderson, J |
Date/Year | 1875 |
Source ID | 1224 |
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External Links (0)
Referenced Monuments (11)
- MHG2255 Burial, Kirk O'Banks (Monument)
- MHG39735 Dunrobin, Dairy Park, long cists and symbol stone (Find Spot)
- MHG39736 Dunrobin, Dairy Park, long cists and symbol stone (Monument)
- MHG9588 Dunrobin, Dairy Park, long cists and symbol stone (Monument)
- MHG39734 Dunrobin, Dairy Park, long cists and symbol stone (Monument)
- MHG2023 Findspot, Auckhorn Farm (Find Spot)
- MHG1415 Findspot, nr Haimer (Find Spot)
- MHG39803 Norse Burial in Possible Broch, Castlehill (Monument)
- MHG1496 Possible Broch, Castlehill (Monument)
- MHG11788 Tortoise Brooch, urn; Ospisdale House (Monument)
- MHG2162 Tortoise Brooches in cist, Longhills (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Feb 20 2008 2:29PM