Source/Archive record (Text/Publication/Volume) SHG2464 - The history of the Highland clearances
Title | The history of the Highland clearances |
Author/Originator | MacKenzie, A |
Date/Year | 1946 |
Source ID | 2463 |
Library Number | 7898 |
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Publisher: Alex MacLaren & Sons Where Published: Glasgow
Referenced Monuments (17)
- MHG12513 Alltnaba (Monument)
- MHG10717 Farmstead, Badinloskin (Monument)
- MHG30 Farmstead, Swordle (Monument)
- MHG12636 Grummore, depopulated township, Loch Naver (Monument)
- MHG39336 Head Dyke, Bourblaige (Monument)
- MHG39335 Lazy Beds, Bourblaige (Monument)
- MHG43366 Lazy Beds, Truderscaig (Monument)
- MHG25173 Leataidh (Monument)
- MHG39337 Rig and Furrow, Bourblaige (Monument)
- MHG11068 Rimsdale (Monument)
- MHG14395 Township - Laga, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
- MHG455 Township, Bourblaige (Monument)
- MHG32 Township, Camas nan Geall (Monument)
- MHG31 Township, Coire Mhuilinn (Monument)
- MHG451 Township, Torr Na Moine (Tornamona, Tornamoine) (Monument)
- MHG10592 Truderscaig (Monument)
- MHG39334 Watermill, Bourblaige (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Nov 13 2013 12:59PM