Identifier 145125
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note An information gathering exercise to facilitate an understanding of the potential environmental impact of a development proposal; includes the collation of specialist reports from a variety of disciplines.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (26)

Context Record
Event Type EHG1284 Archaeological assessment - Fairburn Windfarm, Urray (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3286 Archaeological Assessment, Lochluichart wind farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG236 Arscaig Wood, Sallachy (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG366 Beinn Leamhain (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG367 Black Corries Estate, Environment Assessment (Event - Mixed)
Event Type EHG357 Carnoch Estate (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG1438 DBA and walk over survey - Lairg Wind Farm (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG4544 DBA and Walkover Survey - Caplich Quarry, Alness (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG1021 DBA and walkover survey - Novar Wind Farm Extension (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG1283 DBA and walkover survey - Stroupster Windfarm, Nybster (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3185 Desk-based assessment and walkover survey - Wathegar Wind Farm (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG3360 Desk-based assessment and walkover survey, Beauly-Dounreay 275kV Overhead Transmission Line: Second Circuit (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG370 Druim Dubh, Kinlochdamph (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG172 Environmental Impact Assessment - Ordan Shuas (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG170 Environmental Impact Assessment - The Biallaid (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG3180 Excavation of clearance cairn, Kilbraur Wind Farm (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EHG396 Glenshiel, Cluanie & Glenquoich (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG1147 Highland Deephaven Construction of Railway Access (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG1279 Inverlael Hydro Scheme EIA - Statement (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG372 Loch Bad na Sgalaig, Gailoch Estate (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG375 Strath Tirry (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type EHG373 UllapoolHill (Event - Mixed)
Event Type EHG80 Walkover Survey - Glenfeshie (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG14 Walkover survey - proposed native woodland, Glenuig, Moidart (Event - Survey)
Event Type EHG2644 Watching Brief at Hillside of Mid Clyth, Lybster, Caithness (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EHG374 Wester Guisachan (Event - Interpretation)