Thesaurus Term/Concept: MARKER CAIRN

Identifier 70381
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A cairn erected to mark a particular spot in the landscape. Can be used for various reasons.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (2)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (1)

Instances/Examples (59)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG51625 ALLT NA LUACHRACH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51732 BEINN AN DUIBHE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51734 BEINN AN DUIBHE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51739 BEINN AN DUIBHE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51793 BEINN AN DUIBHE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51794 BEINN AN DUIBHE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG1626 Cairn, Berriedale Water (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54977 Cairn, Creag na Sroine (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54978 Cairn, Creag na Sroine (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50264 Carn Na H-ailig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51608 CLAIS CHARNACH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51611 CLAIS CHARNACH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG52773 Clearance or marker cairn, Craigton (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51616 CLO MOR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51617 CLO MOR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51790 CLO MOR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51689 CNOC A' DAIMH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51701 CNOC A' GHIUBHAIS (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51607 CNOC AN DAIMH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51772 CNOC CARN AN LEIM (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50263 Coire Allt Na Gambuinn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51612 DUNAN MOR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10232 Eilean Creagach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53130 Eilean Dubh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51686 FASHVEN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51687 FASHVEN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50262 Geal Charn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53946 Hill cairn, Garbh-leathad (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51615 KEARVAIG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51691 KEARVAIG RIVER (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53124 Kyle of Durness East (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51609 LOCH NA SEAMRAIG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51610 LOCH NA SEAMRAIG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51818 MAOVALLY (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51305 Marker Cairn, Faraid Head (Monument)
Monument Type MHG1917 Marker or Shepherds Cairn, Cnocan Buidhe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51742 MOAVALLY (Monument)
Monument Type MHG49344 Muck, Caisteal An Duin Bhain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51879 MUCK, CARNDEARG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51668 MUCK, UCHD A' GHRALAIR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG863 Mutilated Shepherds Cairn, Cnoc Nan Clach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54967 Possible commemorative or marker cairn, Balnacarn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53400 Possible marker cairn, Abhainn na Glasa (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55053 Remains of cairn, Siodhean a'Choin Bhain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG45757 Rubh a' Brocaire (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51694 SGRIBHIS-BEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51763 SGRIBHIS-BEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51770 SGRIBHIS-BEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51771 SGRIBHIS-BEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51773 SGRIBHIS-BEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51603 SGRIBHIS-BHEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51604 SGRIBHIS-BHEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51605 SGRIBHIS-BHEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51606 SGRIBHIS-BHEINN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51698 SITHEAN NA H-IOLAIREICH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG52781 Small cairn, Craigton (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51791 SOC GLAS (Monument)
Monument Type MHG48338 South Yarrows (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4251 The Campbell Stone (Monument)