Thesaurus Term/Concept: GALLOWS

Identifier 68729
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A structure used for execution by hanging. Usually two uprights and a cross-piece, from which the offender is suspended by the neck.

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Instances/Examples (15)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG33787 Arboll (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14047 Cnoc A' Mhoid, Kishorn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11737 Court house nr Evelix Farmhouse (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6348 Gallow Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11634 Gallow Hill, Dornoch (Place)
Monument Type MHG31270 Gallow Hill, Tain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG1965 Gallow Hillock, Backlass Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13793 Gallowhill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51298 Gallows Hill (Cnoc na Croiche), Kishorn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13332 Gallows, Cnoc na Croiche (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7803 Gallows, Dalnacroich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG31488 Gallows, Gallow Hill, Arpafeellie (Place)
Monument Type MHG559 Gallows, Tom na Croiche (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13180 Gallows? Torr Ma Croich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6949 Lodgehill (Monument)