Source/Archive record (Text/Report) SHG23730 - Castlehill Pavement Works, Castletown, Olrig, Caithness
Title | Castlehill Pavement Works, Castletown, Olrig, Caithness |
Author/Originator | Douglas, G J |
Date/Year | 1991 |
Short report and survey drawings from a 1991 survey on Castlehill Pavement Works, Castletown.
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External Links (0)
Highland Council Archaeology Unit HER File Store
Referenced Monuments (11)
- MHG17853 Byre, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG51241 Cart Shed, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG698 Castlehill Pavement Works (Monument)
- MHG51245 Covered Tail Race, Castlehill Pavement works (Monument)
- MHG1583 Farmstead, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG51239 Harbour Office, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG51240 House, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG51243 Outbuildings, Castlehill Pavement Works (Building)
- MHG51241 Site of Cutting Yard Buildings, Castlehill Pavement Works (Monument)
- MHG51238 Water Powered Threshing Barn, Castlehill House Steading (Building)
- MHG17851 Workers Cottage, Castlehill Pavement Works (Building)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Jan 16 2009 12:27PM