Thesaurus Term/Concept: NON ANTIQUITY

Identifier 71099
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Use to identify a feature, previously thought to be a monument but now disproved, or to avoid erroneous identification as a monument in future. Where a feature is regarded as an antiquity, but is unclassified, use SITE.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (58)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG3124 14-28 Eastgate, Inverness (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3680 20 & 22 Inglis Street, Inverness (Monument)
Monument Type MHG23765 3-7 Friars' Street, Inverness (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14310 Achinael (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4460 Allt Bog nan Gabhar (Monument)
Monument Type MHG37957 AULDEARN, DOOCOT ROAD (Monument)
Monument Type MHG36579 BALINTORE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34460 BEN DAMPH, TORRIDON (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34461 BEN DAMPH, TORRIDON (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29442 Borve (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34549 BRIDGE OF WESTER (Monument)
Monument Type MHG35614 BRIDGE OF WESTER (Monument)
Monument Type MHG142 Cairn, Salen 2 (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4520 Circular cropmark, Tom Na Croiche (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51706 CNOC A GHIUBHAIS (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34464 CNOC AN LAOIGH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51705 CNOC NAN TRI MILE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34547 CNOC RAVOCH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14430 Coire Na Cille (Monument)
Monument Type MHG47485 Contin Mains (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29805 Cooper's Knowe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34463 CREAG AN FHITHICH (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50580 Cromarty (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34250 CROMARTY, 98 SHORE STREET (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7478 Cropmarks, Balnagown (Monument)
Monument Type MHG24443 Cropmarks, The Range, Windhill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG32471 DELLFIELD (Monument)
Monument Type MHG37977 DINGWALL, OLD RIVER ROAD (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5398 Dunan Ruadh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51434 Earthwork west of MacDonald Centre, Aviemore (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50596 Easter Galcantray (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50770 Easter Shoretown; Cromarty Firth (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25043 Evaluation, West Gills (Monument)
Monument Type MHG35616 FLODIGARRY (Monument)
Monument Type MHG35792 GARBLIES FARM (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34133 HOME FARM (Monument)
Monument Type MHG47480 Hughston (Monument)
Monument Type MHG38028 INVERNESS, DRUMDEVAN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55056 Lithic scatter, north of Littleferry Cottage, Littleferry (Find Spot)
Monument Type MHG13295 Loch Loyal (Monument)
Monument Type MHG4615 Mid Delfour (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28192 North Ballachulish (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28063 Nothing of Archaeological Interest, Cathair Dubh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7009 Possible enclosure, The Grange (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53307 Possible fish traps, Loch Shiel, Claish Moss, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53409 Previously recorded findspot, Pilots House, Littleferry (Find Spot)
Monument Type MHG32428 RAEMORE WOOD (Monument)
Monument Type MHG38023 RESAURIE, ASHTON FARM (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51322 Stone heap (non-antiquity) on south bank of river, Ardtornish (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13595 Stone scatter, Houstry (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17888 The Ord (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34498 THE ORD (Monument)
Monument Type MHG35615 THURSO, WEST GILLS (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34548 TORR MOR (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28213 Torvaig, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG32168 Trial trenches, Caravan Field, Applecross (Monument)
Monument Type MHG31969 W brief, W of Tarradale Rd, Muir of Ord (Monument)