Thesaurus Term/Concept: BOTHY

Identifier 68924
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Small building in which labourers, such as miners and tin workers. They are also associated with gardens where they provide on-site accommodation for gardeners and estate workers.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (3)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (156)

Context Record
Monument Type MHG51180 273 Achnacarnin (Building)
Monument Type MHG47238 Allt A' Choire Mhoir (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13821 Allt A' Gharbh-choire (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7581 Allt an Airigh Dhuibh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50864 Allt Lorgaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34394 ALLT NA BEINNE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14577 Allt Nan Sac (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8263 An Cachaileath Dearg (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11431 An Sean Inbhir (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8279 An Torr (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29063 Arincreaga (Monument)
Monument Type MHG37323 BADANLOCH LODGE, GHILLIES' BOTHY (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28787 Bagh an t- Srathaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53148 Borralie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG56066 Bothy - Braemore, Latheron (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29288 Bothy - Garbhchoire, Abernethy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55924 Bothy - Glenshero, Laggan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55112 Bothy (Building A6), Balmacqueen (Monument)
Monument Type MHG52747 Bothy (Building)
Monument Type MHG54203 Bothy and kale yard, Scalpay (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54200 Bothy and pen, Scalpay (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14671 Bothy and sheep fank - Achlorachan Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28027 Bothy, Allt a' Bhuacaille (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17685 Bothy, Allt an Airigh Dhuibh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25153 Bothy, Allt Lorgaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG32780 Bothy, Allt Sgairnich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG31420 Bothy, Ardchronie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG6005 Bothy, Ardmore Point (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12229 Bothy, Baddidarach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG21673 Bothy, Badenscallie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39247 Bothy, Balnagordonach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG38942 Bothy, Blackburn (Building)
Monument Type MHG56658 Bothy, byre, and fank - Croft 5 land, Glasnakille, Skye. (Building)
Monument Type MHG29318 Bothy, Camas Ghaoideil (Building)
Monument Type MHG39575 Bothy, Cnoc Sheangan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG3108 Bothy, Coire Riabhach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39818 Bothy, Creag Leathan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33494 Bothy, Cuaich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG22468 Bothy, Dibidil, Rhum (Monument)
Monument Type MHG26304 Bothy, Elrick Burn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39186 Bothy, Eyre Point (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17597 Bothy, Gleann Meadhonach, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17623 Bothy, Gleann Meadhonach, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33075 Bothy, Glen Banchor (Building)
Monument Type MHG5296 Bothy, Glen More (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30942 Bothy, Glen Pean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG22128 Bothy, Glensanda Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29089 Bothy, Keppoch (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29098 Bothy, Keppoch (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29103 Bothy, Keppoch (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55232 Bothy, Kilbeg (Monument)
Monument Type MHG18644 Bothy, Kinbrace Burn (Monument)
Monument Type MHG36731 Bothy, Kingairloch (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14057 Bothy, Larach Tigh a' Fhrochain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7588 Bothy, Loch A' Mhullaich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7598 Bothy, Loch an T-Sidhein (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12008 Bothy, Loch Croispol (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30940 Bothy, Loch Morar (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28025 Bothy, Loch nan Gillean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29357 Bothy, Loch Nan Tri-Eileanan 2 (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29355 Bothy, Loch Nan Tri-Eileanan 3 (Monument)
Monument Type MHG43526 Bothy, Loch of Reiff (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53604 Bothy, N of Leitir Fura, Kinloch, Isle of Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30619 Bothy, Orbost estate (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29694 Bothy, Orbost Estate (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30625 Bothy, Orbost Estate (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30658 Bothy, Orbost Estate (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17613 Bothy, Ose (Monument)
Monument Type MHG24484 Bothy, Roinn a' Mhill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17371 Bothy, Rubha Ard Ghormul, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17416 Bothy, Rubha Dubh Ard, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5542 Bothy, Rubha Langanes, Canna (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14947 Bothy, Rynettin (Monument)
Monument Type MHG2639 Bothy, Seileach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG11204 Bothy, Sgeir A Chadh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12251 Bothy, Stoer (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39239 Bothy, Strathmashie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8329 Bothy, Tarvie Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MHG8330 Bothy, Tarvie Wood (Monument)
Monument Type MHG45315 Bothy, The Square, Roshven Estate (Building)
Monument Type MHG13329 Bothy, Tom Apigill (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25152 Bothy, Uillt Chreagach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54838 Bothy/Still Bothy Platach Buidhe (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13837 Camas Stianbhaig, Sanday (Monument)
Monument Type MHG47074 Canisbay, Old Manse, Steading (Monument)
Monument Type MHG38600 Castle Grant, Home Farm, Courtyard Range, North Range (Monument)
Monument Type MHG38598 Castle Grant, Home Farm, Courtyard Range, South Range (Monument)
Monument Type MHG44214 Ceann-Loch-Lagain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54640 Coille Gharbh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55104 Corrugated iron building, south of The Square (Building)
Monument Type MHG34863 CREAG BHAN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG56533 Daltullich Bothy - Easter Daltullich, Culloden, Inverness (Building)
Monument Type MHG50812 Dingwall; Cromarty Firth (Monument)
Monument Type MHG36610 Dornoch, Drumdivan Farm, Bothy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG14637 Drumbuie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG22512 Drumbuie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28788 Durinish (Monument)
Monument Type MHG53362 Early C19 store - Caledonian Canal, Laggan Locks (Building)
Monument Type MHG56019 Farmstead - Lathach Leosag, Halkirk (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25155 Fuaran Diotach (Monument)
Monument Type MHG5467 Glac Bhre-Sgorr, Canna (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29047 Glasnakille (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29054 Glasnakille (Monument)
Monument Type MHG17470 Glendrian, Ardnamurchan (Monument)
Monument Type MHG45321 Glenmorvern Cottage, Bothies (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10242 Gob Mor (Monument)
Monument Type MHG51332 House known as Leacraithnaich, north of Loch Tearnait (Building)
Monument Type MHG716 Hut Circle, Creagan Liath (Monument)
Monument Type MHG10053 Hut circle, Strone Achvachy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG7331 Inverlael Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MHG56541 Killiehuntly Farm Cottage, Bothy, Barn, Cart Shed and Steel Shed (Building)
Monument Type MHG38653 Loch Ashlaich, Shooting Box And Bothy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29358 Loch Cuil Sithean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG46123 Loch Morlich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG27043 Loch Torridon, Lub Dubh-Aird (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25027 Lower Bothy, Glen Einich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG52547 Mountain Bothy, Alladale (Building)
Monument Type MHG6739 North Hallaig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28756 Palascaig (Monument)
Monument Type MHG28786 Port Ban (Monument)
Monument Type MHG45056 Possible Bothy Footings, Coirefrois (Monument)
Monument Type MHG12012 Possible Structure, Loch Borralie (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55708 Post-medieval bothy - Glen Bracadale, Bracadale, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55709 Post-medieval farmstead - Glen Bracadale, Bracadale, Skye (Monument)
Monument Type MHG57457 Probable still bothy Allt na Feithe Riabhaich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG34264 RAASAY, GLAME (Monument)
Monument Type MHG36157 RAASAY, MANISH BEG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG36160 RAASAY, MANISH BEG (Monument)
Monument Type MHG42629 RAASAY, MANISH MORE (Monument)
Monument Type MHG35484 RAASAY, MANISH POINT (Monument)
Monument Type MHG32425 RAASAY, MANISHMORE BURN (Monument)
Monument Type MHG55125 Remains of bothy or byre, north of 3 Ardmore, Harlosh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG56611 Ruinous building - Grealin, Skye (Building)
Monument Type MHG22500 Scalpaidh (Monument)
Monument Type MHG30962 Scatwell (Monument)
Monument Type MHG45338 Sheepfold, Gleann Meinich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54184 Shieling/bothy, Scalpay (Monument)
Monument Type MHG33498 Site of Jean's Hut, Coire an Lochain (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13582 Site of sheep pen or bothy, Buoldhu (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50800 Skye, Lon Na H-atha (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50801 Skye, Lon Na H-atha (Monument)
Monument Type MHG50787 Skye, Sulishaderbeg (Monument)
Monument Type MHG47741 South Ballachulish, Ballachulish House, Bothy (Monument)
Monument Type MHG13832 Sron Ruail, Canna (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54400 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG57432 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG57434 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG57436 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG57438 Still bothies and other buildings, Coire Mhoraigean (Monument)
Monument Type MHG39187 Structural Mound, Eyre Point (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29516 Tairbeart (Monument)
Monument Type MHG29526 Tairbeart (Monument)
Monument Type MHG54903 Tin bothy/shed, Plockton (Building)
Monument Type MHG52559 Turf and stone enclosure, west of Druim nan Slochd (Monument)
Monument Type MHG25028 Upper Bothy, Loch Einich (Monument)
Monument Type MHG26683 Wester Clunes (Monument)